Bite Down On My Winchester (Part One)

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Kier's POV

It started as an average day. I snuck into the palace via the secret tunnel behind the library and hid behind the suit of armour until the guard had passed and silently crept my way to the kitchen. I hated the Cardinal. The people were starving and He wouldn't let them have even a scrap of the food He stores in the palace. Everyday I would take just enough to feed a person but each time I take more and more for the poor people of the town. I got into the kitchen to find that there was freshly made bread lying on a table. The heavenly scent filled my nose and my stomach began to growl. The Cardinal is the King and He must be having a banquet soon. I grabbed four loaves of bread and some devilishly perfect wine. I walked towards the door when I heard voices on the other side. I darted for the cupboard and hid inside. The door was left open a crack so I could see who it was.

Firstly a young woman, nearing her mid-twenties, she was quite pretty although nothing too special. Her hair was a dark shade of brown and it was tied back by a plain ribbon. Some wavy strands had fallen loose and framed her face closely. Her nose was almost button shaped and made her seem younger. Her face was one of innocence although her whore body was not.

She had a petite figure and wore a grey dress that was cut above her knees; the collar was quite low and showed some cleavage...Probably for the Cardinal's benefit-sick pig-she had been gifted with a good body.

Behind her followed one the worst creature I had ever seen accompanied by the old baker.

Once they had reached the bottom of the steps the girl swivelled on her heels and her big brown eyes rested solely on the Cardinal. Had He done something to her?

"Girl?" His voice was so rough.

"Yes darling?" Darling?! What the hell?! Did she just fucking call that daemon darling? She strutted over to Him and rested her hand on the shoulder of His robe that veiled His figure and face.

"Prepare the girls for the banquet tonight, it is an important dinner and they must impress our guest. Go give them their daily feed, afterwards prepare yourself in my chamber." His voice was getting worse, His temptation was building. That poor girl was going to get shagged by Him.

She waited there, pushing her body out towards Him. He bent down until she was shielded by his darkness, I can only assume their lips were locked. Shockingly the Cardinal's hand reached up to her waist and pulled her in closer to Him. I had to look away.

Once I heard her light footsteps echo eerily up the stairs I looked back intrigued by the upcoming scene.

"So Cardinal, you see we have made what you requested for the banquet!" A nervous looking man stuttered.

"What?" He stood there staring the nervous man, the air becoming thick with tension as He paused.

"A loaf of bread?" The Cardinal asked as He grabbed the mans throat. Per usual during the daylight He had His hood pulled over His head dragging the dark shadows to cover all His features except a thin straight line that was His mouth, it continuously hid many secrets of mass murder.

"No there were five...Someone has taken the others! Someone keeps stealing food!" The nervous man blurted in fear of his life.

The Cardinal looked at him a moment and His frown softened. He released the man and began to pace around the kitchen. He skimmed over all the food and His eyes rested on something on the floor. A smirk flickered on His lips.

"It appears we have a thief!" He said in an amused tone.

I couldn't see anything special or unusual on the floor that would particularly catch His eye, although sight wasn't what worried me. What He did next made my heart stop altogether.

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