Could We Burn Darling (Part Three)

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Lilly's Point Of View:

We'd had a fun day. It was the first time Ava and I had been out in the town or out of the palace in general. There were no guards and we could really be ourselves. I looked down at the bracelet Kier got me. I really did love it. He is a such sweet person.

"Don't you think Kier is amazing for getting us these?" Ava asked grinning like a cheshire cat.

"Yes...He is...But please remember to keep your voice down...We're in the palace now!" I warned her.

She bit her lip and looked around. She sighed in relief when she saw there was no people around and I smiled. We looked over again and saw the Cardinal stood with the girl He likes. She turned and stood closely to Ava. I cringed at the thought of what they had been doing.

"Hello." She said. Her voice was high pitched and too happy.

I didn't really like her. She was too sweet. I don't trust people who are overly sweet; they usually are the worst types. She brushed her fingers through her brown hair in an attempt to neaten it. It didn't work.

"Is there something you want?" Ava asked as the girl stood closely to her.

The Cardinal looked at the girl as an indication to stop and she stepped over to Him. He opened the door and she stepped inside His dark room.

"Wait for me in there!" He rasped, we could hear the temptation in His voice.

"Hello Father." We said politely in unison.

"Where is Laurence?" He asked frowning.

"Oh he was behind us as we walked in, I'm not sure where he is now...We had a good day...Laurence never let us wander more than a couple of steps ahead of him!" Ava explained.

"Good...I have important news for you Lilly!" The Cardinal said a wicked smile on His lips.

"Yes?" I asked shocked. What could he possibly have planned that could be worse than marrying Laurence?

"Well as I see it, a problem has arisen...Your ageing has been slowing down where as your fiancé is still ageing... I thought it over and tonight I will have Laurence turned so that he is safe from harm's way...He will be stronger and no one will be able take him away from you!" The wicked Cardinal claimed.

Ava and I looked at each other. We knew His true motive was having control. If He turns Laurence then He can control him like all of his other little pets.

"When? Who will do it?" I asked.

"Tonight...I will bite him and he will be a vampire!" Our Father explained.

"What if he refuses?" Ava asked.

"He will be a vampire tonight!" The Cardinal said bluntly, "And Lilly seeming as he will be your husband I believe you should be there with him!"

I sighed and nodded. Ava frowned to herself.

"Yes Father I will be there!" I said emotionlessly.

He nodded before opening His door. We turned and quickly left Him, not wanting to hear the upcoming scene. I needed to find Laurence and warn him.

Ava and I spent the rest of that afternoon searching for Laurence in the palace but we couldn't find him. We began to walk towards the dining room and there we found him walking into the room followed by three vampires that were closest to our Father in status. They would be secretly preparing him.

"Shit we're too late!" Ava cursed.

"No don't give up...Buy me some time...I'm getting help!" I claimed as I turned and left. her.

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