Chp. 1

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I woke up to Dudley jumping on the stairs and yelling at us to get up. "Ugh, I'm going to kill him if he keeps doing this every morning." My twin brother Harry, lying beside me, laughs. "You know that would end badly. You would be arrested. I would be stuck here alone."

With that, he grabbed his glasses and handed me my watch. My twin and I don't have the best life. Our parents died in a car crash, and we were sent to live with our horrible aunt and uncle. As if that wasn't bad enough, our so-called cousin is a spoiled brat.

We have to sleep in a cuppart under the stairs. There is barely enough room for one of us, but we make it work. Harry and I are closer than you could imagine. Not to mention, he saves my ass from getting into any serious trouble. Let's say I have a bit of a temper.

"Well, let's go and get this over with." Once ready, we leave our so-called room and head to the kitchen. The first thing I see is Dudley being spoiled by kisses from our aunt and uncle while reading the paper.

"Girl, make the breakfast, and you boy, bring me my coffee and fetch the mail," says our uncle. Harry responds with a yes and a nod. I bite my tongue and do as I was told. I tried my best to ignore what Dudley was complaining about. Seriously, he gets on my nerves. Maybe if I punch him, he might shut up.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when Dudley says that Harry and I got mail. "Dad! Harry and Hera got a letter!"

"Give it back. It's ours!"

"Now, who would write to the two of you?" Our uncle says with a slight chuckle. He looks at the letter and back at us. I don't know what's in the letters, but whatever it is, he is not happy about it. The next thing I know, he throws our letters in the fire. That's when I snapped.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? You can't just throw our mail in the fire!" I March up to him, so now I am in his face. His face turns red as he yells, "Do NOT speak to me like that young lady." He grabs my arm and drags me to my "room." Once there, he opens the door and throws me in. "Since it is Dudley's birthday, I'm feeling a bit nice. So you will stay in here until dinner! And if you make a sound, it will only be worse for you!"

"OH, shut the fuck up, old man. First, you are not nice, and second, locking kids in a cupboard is wrong. You all should be in jail!" His face somehow turns even redder. Oh shit. He slammed the door and locked me in. He pulls a mini sliding door that's big enough to look through. "You are not coming out until I say, and there is no food for you today." He slams that mini door shut, and I hear him stomp away.

Time skip.......

I sign as I put my finished book back on my mini bookshelf. I have read every book on my shelf at least 15 times. Maybe even more. I have no idea what time it is, so I have no idea how long I have been here, but I can tell I've been here for at least a few houses.

After debating what to do next, I decided to sneak out and steal food. After picking up the lock, I slipped out to the kitchen. After years and years of Harry and I being denied meals, Harry and I made a hidden hole for snacks. I slightly moved the TV stand and reached my arm into the hole in the wall. After grabbing a few bags of chips and some sodas, I moved the stand back and went back to my "room." Once there, I made sure it looked like I had never left, so I hid the snacks and drinks.

I have been trying to keep Harry out of our food hole cause I have his birthday present there. I managed to swipe a bag of chocolates from my poor excuse of a cousin. I pull my sleeve up and look at my soul mate, Mark. I wonder if I will ever meet them. Would I even get to leave this hellhole? After some daydreaming of a better life with my brother and my future soul mate, I decided to nap until Harry returned.

Time skip.......

I was awoken by the front door being slammed open. Then I hear my brother trying to convince our uncle that he is innocent. "I told you I did nothing wrong. The glass was there one moment, then gone the next. It was like magic!" The door opened, and then my brother got thrown in and on top of me. As soon as he exits, our uncle slams the door while opening the little sliding door and saying, "There is no such thing as magic!" Then, leaving us in the dark.

"I'm sorry I landed on you, sis. Are you OK?" I give him a nod, reassuring him. " I'm fine, Harry. Can you tell me what happened?" After explaining to me what happened, I hugged him. "It's OK, Harry. One day, we will leave this hellhole and finally be happy." We spent a few moments like that before we pulled apart, and I grabbed the chips and sodas I grabbed earlier. "Looks like this is the perfect time for these," I said while holding up the goods with a goofy smile.

Time skip......

The past few weeks were crazy. Harry and I kept getting mail from people I assumed were the same person. I saw my uncle burn them, cut them up, and destroy them. Then, on Sunday, Harry and I were serving our "family." I held a pitcher of lemonade, and Harry held a tray of biscuits.

"Ah, Sunday. Best day of the week. You know why?" My uncle said as I was pouring him his drink. "Cause there is no mail on Sundays." My older twin answered, which earned a glare from me. Why on earth would he answer? "That's right, boy! No mail and no blasted let...." He was cut off with a letter hitting him in the face.

All of a sudden, thousands of letters come flying through the fireplace. As the rest of the family freaks out, Harry and I are trying to catch letters in the mail. As I grabbed one, my uncle tackled me to the ground, trying to get it out of my hand. I kick him off of me with Harry's help and start running towards the door. Unfortunately, he caught up and held me while screaming that we were moving far away, where no one would find us.

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