chp. 25

547 22 3

"How's it going over here?"

I have been in the garden with Narcissa most of the afternoon. She kept true to her promise. While she tends to her flowers, I have been clearing the weeds. There were plenty of weeds, too.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead. It's been a warm day. Not much clouds in the sky, not creating much shade. "Almsot done. Just got this small patch left. Should take about ten more minutes." I pointed to the small patch of weeds. Narcissa hums in response. "Alright. I will be heading in. Then I'll set out to get the last ingredient. It seems we were in luck."

Despite my tired and sweaty form, I couldn't help but shoot up standing. "Really!?" I was smiling widely like a child getting promised candy. Narissa chuckled. "Yes, and once I am back, we can start the potion. So finish up here and take a shower. You smell and look sweaty." I agreed and immediately went back to pulling the weeds.

It didn't even take me ten minutes to finish. I was hurrying to finish. I'm excited and anxious to start the potion. I run inside and into my room, getting ready for a shower. Bella was in bed reading a book. Started at me, bursting through the door.

"Whats got you so riled up?" I was quickly gathering clean clothes from our closet. "Cissa said she is getting the last ingredient. I finished the weeds and need to shower. She said we can start when she is back."

Bella chuckled at my behavior. She placed the bookmark in her book, setting it aside before approaching me. She turned me around, taking my clothes out of my hands. "Yes, she told me. Now I understand your excitement, but you must calm down, my dear."

"How can I be calm!? I have been waiting for this for over a month. I'm not sure if it even is going to work! I can feel him inside me. It's disgusting. I haven't seen my brother in so long. I haven't heard from Lana or Draco. I.."

Bella cut me off, placing her finger on my mouth. "I understand, but if you don't calm down, you are going to accidentally hurt yourself. Ues there is the possibility of it not working, but then we will find and try the next best  thing. Now, take a breath for me." She kept her finger on my lips for a moment before removing it. I took a few deep breaths. Calming my heart rate and anxiety. It helped some, not completely getting rid of my anxiety, but I felt better.

"There you go. Now go take your shower. You really do stink love."

"Hey!" We giggled. Bella took my clothes, placing them on the bathroom counter. I followed behind her, grabbing a clean towel from the linen closet. Then, I hung it on the hook closet to shower. "Take your time. Cissy won't be back for another hour. She had to do another errand while out." She kissed my head. "Now hop in. Your hair needs washed." She left the bathroom, not leaving me room to comment. But I did glare at her as she left.

The shower did help me relax a little, but I was still eager to start. I made sure to change into some comfy clothes along with some comfy slip-on house shoes. Bella wasn't in our room, so I figured she would be in the library. Which is exactly where I found her. Reading a book.

"Hey, love." I laid my head down on her lap. My legs cover the rest of the sofa. Bella saved her place in her book, setting it on the side table. "How was your shower, baby?" She asked, playing with my wet hair. "It was good. Im clean, and it helped me relax a bit." She hummed in response. "Well, you certainly don't stink anymore." I playfully rolled my eyes. "You know you are still mean sometimes."

"Only for you, my dear."

"Awww, I feel so honored." I giggled, placing my hand over my heart. Bella chuckled, bending over and placing a kiss on my forehead. "When will Cissa come back?" I took Bella's hand from my head and played with her fingers and rings. "Soon. How about I read to you until she gets back? To help distant that busy mind of yours." Bella takes back her hand and grabs her book, opening it to where she left off. "That sounds nice."

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