chp. 17

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The next morning, I woke before Bella. Rolling over to face her, I couldn't help but admire her beauty for a moment. She looks so peaceful. Honestly, it's probably the most peaceful I have ever seen her it when she is asleep. I know she has a stressful life. And who knows what happened to her in Azcaban. Narcissa told me about their parents and their sister. Super strick parents, her being the oldest, having to disown a sister. Now she is no noses right hand and now dealing with ny situation. I need to do something special for her.

"It's rude to stare." Her husky morning voice broke me out of my thoughts, but damn did it sound sexy. "I'm not staring. I'm admiring." I saw with a cheeky grin. She opens up her eyes to see me with that grin. She gives out a hearty laugh. "You are adorable." She then kisses my forehead. "We need to get up."

"Nooooo." That made me whine and cuddle into her. "As much as I would love to stay in bed with you, we need to get up."

"10 more minutes," I say, muffled my her side. "No."





"5. Please, I'm so comfortable." I hear her let out a long sigh. "Fine but no longer than 5." She says in a strict tone. Which made me smile brightly before we both got more comfortable in each other's arms. I closed my eyes and embraced these 5 minutes of just her and I. I almost fell asleep again before she pulled away, saying time was up. I groaned while getting out of bed and getting dressed. I just wanted to stay in bed all day today.

Looking in the mirror, I saw how many hickeys Bella left. "What the fuck Bella!" She came into the bathroom with a proud grin. "Yes?"
I pointed to my neck and chest. "There are so much! And some I can't hide!" She walked over to me, tracing all the marks she left. "That's the point. I want people to know you are mine. Now hurry up and don't worry, I have a shirt that will cover most of them." She gave me a wink before handing me a shirt. I didn't realize she has til now and walked out.

I looked down to see it was a plain black turtle neck. Damn this is gonna suck. It's still very hot outside. Well, at least they like to keep the mansion cool, but still. I finished getting dressed and also kept my hair down to help cover the marks. That kind of worked, but some were still showing. Something tells me Bella won't let me use makeup.

Once Bella and I were dressed, we went downstairs to join the other for breakfast. And I was right. I was about to put makeup when she caught me and didn't let me. Ugh. Now I'm gonna get picked on.

Reaching the dining room, we were the last to arrive. "There you both are. We were about to start without you!" Cissa said. "Sorry, Cissy, but this one didn't want to leave the bed." She said, pointing to me. "I was too comfortable to want breakfast." I pouted while sitting down between Bella and Draco. The elves brought out food, and we started eating.

"So Hera. Guess what you forgot to do last night?" Lana said in a teasing tone. I gave her a questioning look. "What?" Everyone but Bella and I started to giggle. Bella was curious, and I was confused. "I'll give you a hint. Do you recall yelling 'Please mistress. Please fuck me till I can't walk.'"

I choked on my food. Everyone, including Bella, laughed, but she had a proud look on her face. Once I was done choking and managed to catch my breath, I hid my face in my hands. "We told you to use a silencing charm." Draco said before continuing, "was that before or after you said you weren't loud?" He tapped his finger on his chin as if her were thinking. I quickly hit his shoulder before standing. "I think imma go hide and die of embarrassment." I started to walk away, but Bella picked me up.

"Noooo. Bella, I'm too embarrassed." I whined, trying to get out of her grasp. At this point, everyone is laughing again. "Nope, you're staying here she says before placing me back in my seat." I sunk in my seat before grabbing a piece of bacon. Narcissa decided to join in on the conversation. "I bet next time you'll remember to put on up. And maybe wear a bit of makeup." She said, pointing to my neck with a smile.

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