chp. 10

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I wake up to the sun shining on my face. Opening my eyes, I was met with Bella, who was still sleeping and hearing her soft snores with her mouth slightly open. I couldn't help but stare at her beauty. A piece of hair fell behind her ear and into her face, falling into her mouth. I suppress a giggle and go to move it back.

Very slowly, I move my hand and take the strand of hair out of her mouth. As I was putting it behind her ear, she opened her eyes. Scaring me enough to jump a little.

She gave me an amused look, seeing that she scared me. "Well, good morning. Why do you have my hair in your hand." I realized I still had her hair in my hand and dropped it so it landed on the side of her head. I give an awkward laugh before saying, "I was moving it. It was in your mouth. Did you not feel it?" She gave me a smile and a kiss on the forehead. "You're so cute. And no, I did not. Come, let's get ready. I'm training you today."

My heart sank at her words. I really don't want to train. I have an idea that I won't like what I'm taught. Regardless, I get out of bed. I just realized that I don't have any of my clothes. Bella read my thoughts when she said, "Don't worry about your clothes. I got you some in the closet." She pointed to the closet while walking into the bathroom. I opened the closet and found many new clothes of my size, some of which I didn't realize I had left here the last time I visited.

I chose some black leggings and a black crop top with woven sides. Along with some kick-ass black boots. Once Bella was done in the bathroom, I went in, did my morning routine, and put my hair in a high ponytail. Walking out, I saw Bella leaning against the bedpost, waiting for me. She looked me up and down, smirking. She walked over to me, kissing me on the cheek. "Let's go. Breakfast is done, and the other are waiting."

Walking down to breakfast, I could feel her eyes on me. I opened the dining room doors; I saw Narcissa, Draco, Lana, and Severus sitting, waiting for us. "There you two are. I was starting to wonder if you were going to come down." Said Narcissa. "Sorry, we slept in a bit," I said, sitting beside Lana with Bella sitting to my right. The elves came and placed our plates in front of us. And as usual, the food is to die for.

Normally, I like to give the elves gifts. A thank you. I even made friends with the elves here. Narcissa is all for it, but I always had to hide it from Lucious. As you can imagine, he is very strict and more about status and power.

We were finishing breakfast when Draco decided to break the comfortable silence. "Hera, Lana, and I were planning on flying our brooms around the grounds today. Wanna join?" I look to Bella for an answer. She slightly nodded before saying, "You can after training. It's only your first day, so we won't do much." I beam and hug her, and many thank yous. After we finish breakfast, we go to train.

571 words


I am sorry it is short and late. Much has happened, and we had to put the family dog down. I will get back to writing soon. I'm not giving up on this. I can't wait for you guys to read the ending!!

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