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After the delicious soup Bella made me, I was finally able to walk again. We made it back to the library, bringing the book where I found a possible lead.

Reaching the library, we discovered that Narcissa was not there. "She is probably attending to her garden. Why don't you get set up while I go fetch her." I nodded and started setting up.

I hope this works. I want no.... NEED his disgusting soul out of me. Sometimes, I feel he is there, and honestly,  not only does it terrify me, but it also makes me sick. I really hope he doesn't catch wind of Bella going behind his back. She already sabotaged two missions. If he found out she might die. Cissa might die.

A tear ran down my cheek. Hearing their footsteps approach, I quickly wiped it away and took a few breathes to relax. "So you found a possible lead?" Cissa questioned. I nod, pushing the book across the table to her and Bella. Both take a long moment to go over the spell and my notes.

"This could actually work." Cissa muttered while reading. "Though it will take some time to gather all the ingredients. Some are very rare." Bella nods in agreement. "Do you think it could work?" I really want this to work, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Also, I'm a little worried since Bella hasn't spoken yet.

Bella sets down the book and starts walking towards me. "We can give it a  try, love. We will never know until we try." She wraps an arm around my waist, giving me a side hug. "If this doesn't try, we can try something else."

Cissa watches with a soft smile. "We can start collecting the ingredients tonight after dinner. I think we have some in my office."

"Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it. I'm sure we can get his soul out of me and then find a way to defeat him."

After dinner, we went to Cissa's office to look for ingredients. We did manage to find a good amount of the ingredients. I have no idea why some had to be moving. I guess there are some things about the Wizarding World I probably won't get used to.

We are on the right track in defeating no nose. Hopefully, my brother or I won't have to die, but if it means saving my brother, I will sacrifice myself for him.

414 words


Do you think this plan will work? Do you think the Malfoys, Bella, and Hera will be free from the Dark Lord?

Sorry it has been so long and that this is so short. My aunt died, and I couldn't find the motivation to write. The funeral is in a few weeks, so the next update will most likely be after that. MAYBE before if u find the motivation and turn to this for a distraction.

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