chp. 15

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I wake up to kisses being planted all over my face. I opened my eyes to see Bella leaning over me. A piece of her curly hair falls into my face, making me giggle. "Happy Birthday, love." Then, surprising me by kissing me on the lips. This was our first actual kiss. I tensed due to the shock but then kissed back. She bit my lip, making me moan. She took this opportunity and slid her tongue into my mouth. We fought for dominance, but in no time, Bella won. We eventually pulled back, needing air. "Mmm, I've wanted to do that for so long now." Bella says, cupping my cheek. "Me too."

I close the gap again, missing her lips on mine. The kiss was filled with passion and care. Pulling away again, I couldn't hide the big smile growing on my face.


the moment was ruined by a knock on the door. We pulled away, and Bella was about to get up to answer the door, but Cissa, Draco, and Lana came in with a cake with candles and singing Happy Birthday.

"Guys!" I laughed before making a wish and blowing out the candles. "Sooooooo. What did you wish for?" Draco said before Lana whacked him in the back of the head, making Narcissa laugh. "She can't say, or it won't come true, dumbass." Draco rubbed the back of his head before trying to fix his hair.

We all moved to the couch and floor in front of the fireplace in Bellas' room and ate the cake. Arty was on my shoulder. This was nice. Makes me miss my brother. I hope he, too, is having a good birthday. He is probably with the Weasleys. I miss them so much. Once we finished the cake, Narcissa, Draco, and Lana went to get dressed, and we decided to do the same.

Bella took me by the waist as I was looking for something to wear. "I got a present for you.'' Then took me to the bathroom. There, hanging on a hook, was an outfit I had my eye on for a while. (Imagine an outfit you really want but don't have.)

"OH, Bella, thank you so much." I continued the thanks with a passionate kiss. I could definitely get used to kissing her. "You're so very welcome, my love. There are more presents you'll receive later. Now go get dressed." She smacked my butt and left the bathroom.

It doesn't matter how often I tell her not to spoil me. She does it anyway. I finished getting dressed and doing my morning routine with Bella, then went to the front room. They asked me repeatedly what I wanted to do that day, and I said I wanted something chill. My brother and I never made a huge deal out of our birthday.

Arriving in the front room, we found everyone else was there with a few presents in their hands. "I told you guys no presents."

"We know, dear, but we couldn't help ourselves," Narcissa said, handing me her present. I took it and sat on a couch. Opening it, I found a very nice black and blue journal with a blue quill. "OH, Narcissa, I love you! It's also my favorite color!" I stood up and gave her a quick hug. "You're welcome, dear. I'm glad you like it." Next was Lana. I opened it and laughed. It was a new makeup kit. "I figured you needed a new one. Your is old and broken."

"Hey, don't hate! Thank you!" I hugged her also. Draco gave me his gift. Opening it to find a nice little wooden box. I look at it, confused yet curious. As if reading my thoughts, he said, "It's enchanted. It can hold almost anything. It opens to a certain word that you decide." That's so thoughtful. He knew how much I value privacy. I gave him a big, huge ruffling, his hair thanking him. He pushed me off and fixed his hair. "Why don't you two always go for the hair!"

Everyone laughed before Lana answered, "Because we love you, and you know you love us." Draco mumbled a 'whatever' while finishing fixing his hair. "What would you like to do with your day, love? It's your day, so you pick." Mmmm. What would I like to do? Well, I would like Bella to rail me later, but...... my thoughts were caught off by Bella laughing and tightening her hold on me. Shit, I forgot she started using regimens on me. "How about games and pool?"


That's what we did. We moved to the library to play games until lunch. Every time Bella got a chance, she teased me. Rubbing my thighs, brushing her fingers on my center, smacking my butt when everyone was riled, up with losing a round, and whatever she could to tease and excite me.

For lunch, it was one of my favorite meals. Lasagna with salad and toasted bread. Thankfully, Bella took a break from teasing me and letting me eat my food peacefully. Unfortunately, she was back to teasing me when it came to the pool.

Right now, I'm doing an underwater handstand contest with Lana and Draco. I start to feel my legs lean forward, so to avoid falling, I use my hands to walk forward until I hit Lana, making up both loose and Draco winning. "For Merlin's sake, Hera! Now Draco won!" Lana yelled. Draco assumes, hearing her scream, jumps out of the water, cheering. "Wha hoo! I win!!"

"You only won because Hera nicked me over!"

"I was trying not to fall!" Draco was doing a little victory dance, saying, "You see that, Mother! I won! Hahahaha!" Narcissa giggled and shook her head at her son's childish behavior. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, lifting and spinning me into the air. "Ahhhhhh!" I then soon fell into the water. Getting up to catch my breath, I saw the person who scared me, Bella. I splashed water on her face.

"How dare you!" She fakes being offended and splashes me. "OH, it's on!" I splash her, and everyone starts a splash war the next thing I know. It didn't matter who you were splashing. It was you against everyone. Even Arty joined in on the fun. Using his tail to splash others.

I felt someone take me by the waist, away from everyone, and under the slide. I turn around to see Bella. She pinned my hands above my head and kissed me. "You have been very handsy today, love." She put her hand on my thoughts, giving it a slight squeeze, which caused me to let out a soft moan. "OH, pet. I can't wait for tonight. And, of course, I am. You are finally of age. I told you that once you are, I won't be able to keep my hands off you. Now, continue to be a good girl, and tonight, you'll get a reward with the rest of your presents."

We kissed again. This time, Bella started to grow my ass and then made her way up to my boons. Letting her dominate my body until we heard. "I can't believe I'm already walking in on this!" I quickly break away and face away from Narcissa. I could sense Bella smirking and enjoying my embarrassment of us getting caught. Thank God we didn't go further. "Come on, Cissy, did you really expect me to keep my hands to myself." His grip on my waist tightened.

I heard Cissa sigh before leaving and saying, "Just come out. It's time for dinner." Once she left, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Come on, pet, let's go before she comes back. Oh, before I forget, after cake, go up to the room and see what I have for you on the bed." I gave a quick nod in response before we joined the others.

I thought it would be great if we grilled for dinner, and instead of a second cake, we did smore's. After about an hour of talking, I was about to head to bed, but Draco and Lana wanted to speak with me. They pulled me into Dracos' room and gave me an envelope. "So we know how much you miss your brother, so Lana went to the Weasleys."

"I was able to speak to Harry without anyone knowing. Telling him you were okay, but not telling him where you are. He got your note and wanted me to give you this. " I looked at the letter, started crying, and gave them both a big group hug. "OH, thank you guys so much! You're the best!!" We stayed like that for a bit before pulling away. Arty gave me a nuzzle on my cheek. "Thank you guys so much. I love you guys. I do have to go, though. See you tomorrow?"

They nodded. As I left the room, they both yelled, "Ise a silence charm!" I stopped and gave them a mean look before exiting the room, hearing them die of laughter.

Really guys! I'm not that loud!

Then I heard in my head, 'We'll see, pet.'


1533 words


I am so so so so sorry its been over a month since I updated. Life wouldn't stop and the depression hit hard. I am going back to up dating bi weekly and sometimes once a week.

Next chapter their will be smut! Heads up it's been many years since I have written smut so it might not be the best. Pls don't forget to like and comment. I would love to hear what yall think.

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