chp. 19

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"Wake up, darling." Bella said while shaking me. I groaned, taking my pillow over my face, mumbling, "2 more hours." Bella let put a sigh before taking the pillow off me. Causing me to be blinded by the sun filled room. "No. It's time to get up. Get ready for the day. We have the meeting after breakfast." She dragged me out of bed and into the bathroom.

She turned on the shower while telling me to undress. I did, but apparently, I was moving a bit too slow, so she took over, undressing me instead before undressing herself. "Come on, love, a nice shower should wake you up." She undressed herself before picking me up and setting me on the shower bench.

She washed me before washing herself. While washing me, she would give me little comments like 'your gorgeous' 'beautiful' 'I love you'.

I'll admit that after the shower, I was a bit more awake. Unfortunately, I had to dress up in a dress and a corset. Ugh, I hate these things. If it was up to me, I would never wear these, but I had to look good for the meeting. After we were both dressed, we went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Everyone was already seated in their seats waiting for us. "Good morning." Narcissa greeted us. As we took our seats. I sat on the edge by Bella and across from Narcissa. "Morning." Bella and I responded. Breakfast was silent and tension in the air. Probably because of the meeting happening in an hour. Draco left with Lana to finish packing. They will be leaving in two days to go back to Hogwarts. Once they left, Narcissa spoke.

"Hera, sweetheart, are you feeling better?" I almost choked on my pumpkin juice forgetting about our conversation last night. Bella gave me a confused look before asking, "What do you mean, Cissy? What happened?" I gave narcissa a look. I haven't had time to talk to Bella about it yet. But I know why she brought it up. Knowing I wouldn't want to bother Bella.

Narcissa responded, "Last night I couldn't sleep, so I made some tea and went to the back patio to get some fresh air where I found Hera." She gave me a look telling me to continue.

I let out a sign. "I woke up not being able to fall back asleep, so I got a hot drink before getting fresh air. I started thinking about my situation and how much I miss my brother. How I am afraid to lose those I love or them getting hurt. I'm also afraid of dying. Though I will sacrifice myself for the ones i love. My thoughts were going wild when Cissa came out. We sat in silence for a while before I had a panic attack, admitting how scared and stressed I am."

By the end, I had a tear running down my cheek. Bella saw this wiping it away and pulling me on her lap, holding me close to her. Narcissa continued knowing I couldn't at the moment. "I was able to calm her down and promised that today after the meeting, we would start looking for an alternative ending. Hopefully, we can find one." There was a moment of silence before she continued, "Bella, I know you your feeling of the dark lord has changed since you found out Hera is your soulmate, but you will still have to act loyal to him so he won't get suspicious. Can you do that?"

Bella took my face in her hand, looking into my eyes. "I will do anything for you, my love." She leaned down and placed her lips on mine. 

We stayed like that for a few moments before going to finish getting ready and getting the dining room set up for the meeting. Which was easy. Just had to wipe down the table and make sure there were enough chairs. The elves were supposed to do it, but I wanted to do it. To help keep my mind occupied. I tend to do housework when I am feeling overwhelmed by my thoughts. It helps. It is ironic since most of my life, Harry and I, were forced to do housework and cook for our terrible aunt, uncle, and cousin. Wow, I haven't thought about it in a long time. I wonder how the house looks since Harry and I no longer go there. It's probably a disaster. Oh well, they had it coming. Hope they are miserable.

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