chp. 24

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Trixie and I are in the kitchen making a cake for the rest of the elves. Trixie is making more icing for the cake while I cut strawberries that we picked from Narcissa's garden.

"Trixie, this cake is going to be so good! I can't wait!" I steal a strawberry. Man, these are good! She let out a laugh while putting some Vinilla into the mixing bowl. "Miss. Hera, save some for the cake."

"Hehe, oops. I can't help it. They are so good. You know they are my favorite."

"The icing is now done, Miss. Trixie will put it on the cake." While Trixie puts the icing on, I finish cutting the strawberries. Since Bellatrix and Narcissa are out on business, I thought it would be a good idea to make a cake for the elves as I wasn't able to get them anything for Christmas this year. That and once i got here, i kinda ignored them. I was too much in shock and wrapped in my own head. I do feel guilty. I have apologized to them about it, and forgave me intantly. They are too kind for this world and deserve freedom. I was going to make it by myself, but Trixie insisted on helping. "Trixie was ordered by the mistress to look after you. It is Trixie's duty to help." She and the rest of the elves are persistent, but they are good friends. Ever since Lucious was arrested, the elves aren't mistreated as much. The only time they are is when other deatheaters show up for meetings.

Trixie finished icing the cake, so I got to work on decorating. "Trixie, can you go get everyone while I finish?"

"Of course, Miss." She ran off to collect everyone. There aren't a lot of house elves that work and live here. Only 4. Trixie, Tulie, Callon, and Thranduil. I carefully placed the last strawberry on top of the cake. Checking over my work and being pleased, I grab the tray the cake is on and place it on the small table in the kitchen where the elves usually eat. I also put some flowers on the table. Don't worry they aren't from Narcissa's garden. I got it from the flowers I put in Bella's and I's room.

I heard the pitter patter of their little feet approaching and went to stand behind the table. Once they entered, I softly yelled, "Surprise!" They all besides Trixie looked like they were going to hava a heart attack. Omce they calmed down the ran and gave me a big group hug.

When I first started giving them gifts, they cried and said that they didn't deserve my kindness or the gifts. Now there are some tears and lots of hugs.

We are all sitting at the table eating a piece of cake telling jokes and telling stories of the prank war that they have going on. Apparently, Narcissa allowed it as long as it doesn't interfere with their work, disturb anyone, or destroy anything. Callon is in the lead. His latest prank was unhindging the doors to their rooms and magicing their mattress, all but his own outside.

After having a great time with my friends, I decided to practice transforming into my animagus form since it's been a while. I'm now standing in the library, focusing hard on my animagus form. I slowly started feeling myself shrink. Opening my eyes, I find that I am eye level to the furniture. Looking down, I saw my black paws.

Finally, I transformed without pain. My tail wagged happily as I pranced around. Deciding I didn't want  to be in my human form, I went outside for a walk in the garden. Unfortunately, I had to shift to open the door, but once it was open, I went right back into my wolf form. Also, making sure I left it cracked open.

My senses ars hightened. My hearing and smell are much more sensitive. Im still not used to it. I'm very thankful that even in my wolf form, I could still see color. As I continued my walk, the wind started to pick up. The sunshine also disappeared about 10 minutes ago. Sensing it was going to rain soon. I went inside.

The second I stepped foot inside, it started pouring. I fought against the wind using my paw to shut the door. Unfortunately, some of my fur got wet. This was the first time i got my fur wet, and I have to say i hate it. Now I understand why some furry animals dont like getting wet. Before going further into the house, I made sure to shake off my fur for the first time. It took me a few tries, but eventually, I succeeded.

Hearing some noise in the sitting area, I stalked my way over. Not knowing if it was Bella or Cissa. Or if a deatheater decided to pay an unwelcome  visit. Which happens more than one would think.

I listened very carefully, approaching. The voices were muffled. When I was a few feet away from the doorway, two figures walked through. Bella and Cissa.

"What the fuck!" Cissa yelled pointing her want at me. Bella did the same saying. I jumped back before laughing, but in my wolf form it sounded aggressive. Bella was about to shoot a spell at me so I quickly shifted back into a human before she could.

"Wait it's just me!" I put my hands up defensively. "Hera? I almost killed you." Bella said, coming over and smacking me upside the head. "Ouch." I rubbed my head. Her rings hurt. Narcissa sighed in relief. Placing a hand over her heart.
"When were you going to tell us you were an animagus?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Never came up." Bellatrix just shook her head disapprovingly. "You, my sweet girl, are full of surprises." I sweetly smiled a little sarcastic. "Why, thank you."

"But never dp that again you almost gave me a heart attack." Narcissa scolded. Bella nodded in agreeance before reaching into her sachel, taking out a small burlap bag. "While we were out, we collected some things for the potion."

I happily took the sack and looked in it. They seemed to be plants of some sorts. I let out a happy squeal, hugging both older women. "OH, thank you both so much." I released the hug. "Now we only need one more ingredient." Bellatrix took back the sack, giving it to Narcissa. "Yes, but my dear, this one ingredient is hard to come by." My face fell.

"Fortunately, I have a friend in the ministry who will be able to help. We should be able to claim it by the end of next week." I sighed in relief. Hope and excitement filling me up. If this works, I'll be free from voldemort and could see my brother. Then we have to get these stupid dark marks off of Bella, Snape, Lana, Draco, and I.


1168 words

I'm so sorry for the late chapter. Writers' block is a terrible thing.
I hope yall enjoyed this filler chapter.

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