chapter three

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My eyes widen, as I see my dad.

It's been ten long years, but to be honest, he looks the same. I mean, he had more wrinkles and looks more bored than happy, but still.

"Che ne dici di portarlo fuori... Suona bene Vivian?" My father says, turning his attention to my mother, with a rhetorical question. Almost as if mocking her. How about we take this outside... Does that sound okay Vivian?

"Suona bene, Rob. In effetti mi piacerebbe." My mother exclaims, her lips pressed into a thin line, her face has now turned into a sour expression. That sounds fine, Rob. In fact, I'd love to.

I slowly follow my mother, gripping her hand tightly. Turning the knob of the classroom door to keep it shut, no one can hear our conversation anymore.

"We'll be taking Amity with us," my father states, not leaving any room for questions, "if you want to come, then be my guest- oh wait no," he corrects himself, "you stole my daughter from me. You're not welcome anywhere near my property."

"Now, mother," Marco spits, "you can either let Amity leave with us.. or give up your life, only for us to still take her. The option is yours. Take your time with deciding, we are in no rush."

"I'll never let you have my baby," she growls like a rabid dog, pushing her arm out in front of me in a protective manner.

"Fine then." My father's voice doesn't even sound sad.

"No, mum, it's fine, I won't risk your life in exchange for my freedom. That would be very selfish of me." I look at her lovingly. "I'll come with you. Just promise me that you won't hurt my mother."

I receive three nods, all from my brothers, they seem hesitant though. My father, on the other hand, sends harsh glares at his ex-wife, clenching and unclenching his jaw as a way to cope.

"Come on, Amity, I'm sure the rest of the family are dying to meet you." This time, I don't reject my brother's hand.

Xander and Xavier come on either side of me, taking hold of one hand each, just like we used to do when I was a little girl.

"I'm not doing this because I want to. The only reason I'm doing this is because you would otherwise kill my mum."

"We know, but that doesn't matter to us," Marco responds from behind me.

I huff in defeat as two very fancy cars come into view. To say the least, I'm impressed. My mum owns a Mazda, and I thought that was fancy... well until I saw these beauties.

"Which one do you want to ride in, principessa?" Marco whispers in my ear.

I think for a moment. Which one do I want to ride in? I really don't mind, but I would hate to offend anyone since I am well aware that both cars belong to my seemingly rich family.

"I don't want to decide," I tell my three older brothers, slightly embarrassed that I couldn't make such a simple decision by myself.

"You're riding with me then," Marco swings a set of red keys around his finger.

I nod my head slowly, following Marco towards the Ferrari.

I place myself carefully into the comfortable leather seat, smoothing out my jeans, to make myself look more representable. Compared to my father and brothers, who were all in suits, I feel extremely underdressed.

"What car is your father traveling in?" I ask Marco, warily, as he starts to drive the car.

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less if he didn't have a car to ride in, I was just wondering because there wasn't a third car.

"You don't need to worry your beautiful little head about it, sorellina," Marco tells me softly, suddenly taking a turn, holding one of his tanned, veiny hands on the wheel.

Not going to lie, if he wasn't my older brother, I'd be simping so hard right now.

"Anyway, darling, we're going to the airport right now. You, me, Xander, Xavier, and father will fly back to Sicily, where you will see the rest of our brothers again."

"Wait, so we're not going to my house to collect things like clothes?" I ask, outraged.

"Well, when you left last time you didn't need anything."

Ok, Marco, that was a low blow. Suddenly, I remember Posey and Mack. They must be so worried. I did just get pulled out of class by my badass mother, three older attractive brothers, and a DILF of a dad.

I flick my phone on. Yes, the same one that was on the nearest desk. I picked it up. I'm honestly surprised to see no new messages. A frown settles on my face. Neither of my two friends were worried about my unprecedented exit.

Maybe they're just not allowed to text me right now. Miss. Roseworn can be very scary sometimes, especially when you are on the receiving end of it.

"Is something on your mind, sorellina?" Marco asks me, concern evident through his voice.

I don't want to worry my older brother (even if I hate him,) so I reply with a quick and faint 'no.' He seems to know that something is bothering me, but doesn't push it. Thank god, I can't even imagine having to say: oh yeah, I'm fine, but the only two friends I have aren't even the slightest bit worried that I left the class with a bunch of dangerous men, only to not return.

I chuckle under my breath, finding my own joke very funny. Marco seems to notice this. It's almost as if his lips twitch up slightly, but I can't be sure.

"I know that you're going to enjoy being back in Italy, Am," he uses my nickname, "will all the pizza and ice cream, you'll be living a dream."

We pull up at a large jet. One word 'Romano' is plastered across the side in big gold writing. Okay, I wasn't aware that my family was RICH rich. My mouth falls open, but Marco quickly shuts it, laughing softly to himself.

"Oh, and would you look at that, principessa, we're the first ones here," Marco smirks triumphantly.

Is he competitive or what?

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for over 100 reads, it means the world to me. Please remember to vote, comment, and keep reading when I post another chapter tomorrow night. I love you all so much <<<3

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