chapter twenty two

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I groan slightly, opening my eyes, only to feel someone shaking me. I have been woken up, only to notice that I am in my bed, the cover wrapped around me. Alec stands in front of me, looking both irritated and soft.

"It is time to get up, Ami. I think that we all need to have a chat." My second oldest brother says, a demanding tone behind his voice.

I nod my head, and pull my arms out in front of me, needing help to get my stiff body out of bed. Maybe I slept in a bad position? After I am standing up and securing my feet on the floor, I follow after Alec, who is leading me to what seems like the third floor.

He covers my eyes, as we arrive at the third floor. Leading me towards a room, I hear as Alec opens the door, and the commotion from inside stops abruptly. When my older brother drops his hand from my face, I blink repeatedly, trying to adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness of the room.

My father and brothers sit around the office, all looking comfortable, and sporting glasses of alcohol, even Xander and Xavier, who are only seventeen.

"How nice of you to join us, teroso. I was starting to think that you would never wake up. But now that you are awake, we have a lot to talk about," my father says, as the entire room directs their attention towards me. Sweetheart.

"Ok," I say quietly knowing that everyone will hear me.

"Let us start easy. Do you want to explain why your principal had to explain your two detentions to me when you should have done it by yourself? And on top of that, what did you do, to land yourself two detentions on your first day?" He asks, venom flying from his voice.

"I hit my teacher with the classroom door, and he blamed me for lying about my name." I frown at the memory, still not completely sure why Mr. Garbage bin didn't believe me. I am sure that the surname 'Romano' is common in Italy.

Xander and Marco snicker when I say that I hit my teacher with the door, but if they were the ones being yelled at, by Mr. Garbage bin, they would not be laughing as hard as they were. More like crying their eyes out.

"Which teacher thought that you were lying about our family name?" Alexander's dangerous voice says. Although it is calm, I can't help but be terrified.

"Mr. Garbage bin- I mean Mr. Binvard," I stumble over my words, after calling the old, mean man the nickname I have for him.

"I will have a couple of my people search into him. Don't worry, Ami. He won't bother you again." My father reassures, his eyes flickering towards the door for a second, before back to me.

When I turn around, I see two large men turning their backs, and walking away. Who are they?

"Now that we have cleared up that matter, would you like to tell me, why you were around that boy after I explicitly told you that you are forbidden from seeing him? I think that a harsher rule should be put in place. What do you think boys?" My father exclaims. I can't be sure whether he is mocking me, or genuinely worried about me being around males that I don't share a blood connection with.

"Marco forced me to watch as they fought." I point a finger toward Marco. "It was his fault."

"Well, maybe. But not when you called from his phone yesterday, or when he dropped you home yesterday night." I look shocked, not knowing how my father is aware of Elijah dropping me home. "Yes, Ami. we do have security cameras here. It wasn't that hard to find out."

"I already told Xavier that my phone was flat, and Elijah was the only person there. So I asked to call from his phone." I say, a sassy tone leaking into my voice.

"When I explained the rules to you, with Alec and Alex, what part of no boys, did you not understand? If I have to, I will drive every boy at that school away from you. But I know how much you value freedom, so I won't. Well, not just yet." My father continues, looking at me like he is glaring into my soul.

"I just- I... You know what, it doesn't matter. It is seven against one. My opinion never mattered anyway. You guys are just trying to scare me, into admitting something I didn't do. Well, it won't work, I am leaving." My statement is bold, and as I get up to head for the door, I can tell that I have pissed off the men in the room.

"Ami, please. We're trying to be reasonable. None of us have seen you face to face in ten years. We are all just trying to make sure that we don't lose you again. Our way of showing affection is just different from other families. But after all, we are not like other families." This is Xavier's poor excuse for their actions. But I don't believe shit.

'We are not like other families,' my ass. Obviously not, my father and brothers are all psychotic. Not a great mix, especially when you are in a room with all of them.

I try to push past Xavier, who has made it his official job to stand in the doorway, stopping me from leaving the office.

"Please, Xavier. I want to leave. I refuse to be in the same room as a bunch of men, who are more stubborn than... than.... anything." My frustrated reply causes a few sarcastic laughs to fill the room.

"You think that we are stubborn and boring, teroso?" My father asks, amusement now dancing in his eyes, instead of annoyance. Sweetheart.

"I think that with all of my heart," I reply bluntly, my voice being very gruff.

"Well then, you can spend the rest of the day right here, while Alex and I finish up some work. I will have Stefano treat your head injury first. I don't my daughter to have brain damage." My father says.

My eyes flicker to my third oldest brother, who spent the entire conversation silently observing. His arms are crossed across his toned chest, and a resting bitch face is currently his expression. But when he picks up on my gaze, Stefano gives me a kind smile.

Four out of six of m brothers walk out the door. Leaving only me, my father, Alexander, and Stefano in the large office.

"Come along, zucchero. I'll just make sure that your head is fine. We'll do that in my examination room," my third oldest brother says, motioning towards the door. Sweet.

I go over to Alexander first, giving him a small hug of apology, and just because I haven't hugged him since I returned. He kisses my forehead softly, bringing his arms around my small frame. Eventually, we let go, and I head over to my father.

Burying my head in his chest is my way of saying that I care. His lips come into contact with my cheek, and he whispers his next words carefully, near my ear.

"Even if we don't always act like it, we love you, Amity. More than anything in the world. We just do everything to protect you, even if you think that it is unnecessary."

I give his cheek a kiss, whispering back a small 'I know,' before walking back over to Stefano, taking his outstretched hand into my own.

Off to his private clinic we go.

A/N: Hey guys!! Thank you so much for reading. I hope you all loved this chapter. If you did, please remember to vote, comment, and keep reading. As usual, I'll update tomorrow night. I hope that you're all here tomorrow night when I give you all another chapter. I love you all!!! Byeeeee <<<3

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