chapter seventeen

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When we arrived in the city, I was surprised at how large it was. Hundreds of people were roaming around, some were with friends, while others were walking happily with family. To say the obvious, the vibe was relaxed.

I exit the vehicle, Elijah following my movements. We walk toward the bustling crowd of people, joining in the direction they are traveling in. The city center. Shops litter the streets, all very busy at this time of day.

"Which place are you thinking of working at?" Elijah asks from next to me.

"I don't really know. I guess one that I can get into without much experience." I shrug my shoulders, keeping my eyes firmly on the different places that are laid in front of me.

"Maybe a clothing place. I have heard that lots of girls love clothes." I snort at his suggestion, but nevertheless nod my head, being open to new ideas.

We walk into a shop called 'Zara,' which is owned by Italians but is spread across the world. I even remember seeing it in Australia. The first thing I see after walking in, is a big and bold sign, reading the words: Assumere ora. Hai bisogno di un nuovo lavoro? Benvenuto nella squadra di Zara. Hiring now. Need a new job? Welcome to the team of Zara.

A smile grows on my face, as I realise that there is a chance of earning money at this place.

"Ciao, benvenuto in Zara. Mi chiamo Sandy. C'è un modo in cui potrei aiutarti?" Her voice is sweet, and her question sounds genuine. Hi, welcome to Zara. My name is Sandy. Is there any way I could help you?

"Eh, sì. Mi chiamo Amity. Sto cercando un nuovo lavoro e ho visto il tuo segno. C'è qualche possibilità per me di parlare con il tuo manager o qualcosa del genere?" I ask, my tone timid, but also curious. Uh, yes. My name is Amity. I'm looking for a new job, and I saw your sign. Is there any chance for me to talk to your manager or something?

"Certo, Amity. Aspetta qui un secondo. Lo prenderò io e voi due potrete parlare." She says, sounding excited. I wonder why? Of course, Amity. Just wait here for a second. I'll get him, and the two of you can talk.

"Grazie. Possiamo aspettare." I smile at Sandy, as she retreats through a back door. Thank you. We can wait.

"Are you going to be okay waiting here, or do you want to go somewhere else. I can walk home. I'd hate to burden you." I ramble to Elijah, beginning to stress out about this interview.

"It is fine, cutie. Besides, I enjoy your company," Elijah says, wrapping one of his arms around my small frame.

"Ciao. Devi essere Amity. Sono il signor Fankrio. Sono l'attuale manager di Zara. Sandie ha detto che stavi facendo domanda per un lavoro." I nod my head, so he continues. "Per favore, seguimi, parleremo nel mio ufficio." Hello. You must be Amity. I'm Mr. Fankrio. I am the current manager of Zara. Sandie said that you were applying for a job. Please follow me, we'll talk in my office.

Elijah lets me go, and with a small push from him, I am following after M. Fankrio.

"Goof luck, cutie. I'll be here, waiting for you, after you get out." Elijah mumbles, so only I can hear him.

When Mr. Fankrio opens a door and sits on a seat, I take the seat opposite him, fiddling nervously with my fingers.

"So chi sei." Is his blunt statement. I know who you are.

"So chi sono? Di cosa stai parlando?" I ask frantically, my questions coming off in a panicked voice. Know who I am? What are you talking about?

"Tutti in Sicilia sanno di te. A meno che ovviamente non siano degli idioti. Nessuno può nominare i propri figli Amity nel rispetto della tua famiglia. E quando una ragazza di quindici anni di nome Amity entra nel mio negozio, ho collegato i punti molto velocemente." His tone is sharp but has an edge of fear to it. Everyone in Sicily knows about you. Unless of course, they're idiots. No one is allowed to name their children Amity in respect of your family. And when a fifteen-year-old girl called Amity walks into my store, I connected the dots very fast.

"Mi dispiace tanto signore. Non ne ero a conoscenza, altrimenti avrei dato un nome diverso. Per favore, non dirlo alla mia famiglia, saranno furiosi perché sto cercando di ottenere l'indipendenza nella mia vita." I apologize, before begging, desperate for this job. I am so sorry sir. I wasn't aware about that, or I would have given a different name. Please don't tell my family, they will be furious that I am trying to gain independence in my life.

"È una bella bambola. E comunque, se non ti dessi quello che vuoi, tuo padre e i tuoi fratelli probabilmente troverebbero me e la mia famiglia. Sarebbe la mia fine. Il lavoro è tutto tuo. Dopotutto, in tempi come questi, nessuno vuole un lavoro. È pericoloso." The middle age man reassures me. It is fine doll. And anyway, if I didn't give you what you want, your father and brothers, would probably find me and my family. That would be the end of me. The job is all yours. After all, in times like these, no one wants jobs. It is dangerous.

I cheer silently to myself, before taking in what Mr. Fankrio said.

"Mi dispiace signore. Non capisco. Tempi come questi sono pericolosi? La mia famiglia dà la caccia alla tua? I miei fratelli e mio padre lavorano per un'azienda privata. Ho anche assistito a molti dei loro incontri. Dubito fortemente che possano fare del male a qualcuno..." Although I say this strongly, a voice in the back of my mind is unsure. I did see Xander hold a gun back when they took me from Australia. Maybe they did have a gun license. Or maybe they were hunting earlier. I know that these scenarios are fake, but I just want to keep the truth from seeping into my head. Whatever it may be. I am sorry sir. I don't understand. Times like these being dangerous? My family hunting yours down? My brothers and father work for a private business. I even sat through several of their meetings. I highly doubt that they could hurt anyone...

"Oh, bambola. Non spetta a me dirlo. Ma sono sicuro che hai ragione. Sono solo stupido. Comunque, hai il lavoro, quindi congratulazioni. Vai a raggiungere Sandy. Voi due potete decidere quali ore di lavoro volete fare. Forse voi ragazzi sarete anche amici. Ci vediamo in giro, probabilmente la prossima settimana, per il tuo primo turno." Mr. Fankrio says, a small smile on his face. Oh, doll. It is not my spot to say. But I am sure that you are right. I am just being silly. Anyway, you have the job, so congratulations. Go catch up with Sandy. The two of you can sort out what hours of work you want to do. Maybe you guys will even be friends. I will see you around, probably sometime next week, for your first shift.

"Grazie molte signore. Ci vediamo dopo." I wave to the man as I walk out the door. Thank you so much, sir. I will see you later.

It is becoming more painful to walk, after what my bullies did to me, but I have to power through. No good person ever gave up.

"Ciao, Sandy. Ho ottenuto il lavoro. Il signor Fankrio ha detto di parlarle dei miei orari di turno." I approach the girl who is a couple of years older than me, a smile adorning both of our faces. Hi, Sandy. I got the job. Mr. Fankrio said to talk to you about my shift hours.

We work out what my hours will be, and good for me, most of them corollate with Sandy's, which means that we will get closer, and maybe even friends! As Elijah and I say bye to Sandy, I smile softly to myself.

When we get outside, I squeal, before launching myself into Elijah's arms, beyond happy about the outcome of me and Mr. Fankrio's meeting.

"I got the job," I tell him, stating the obvious.

I may have got the job I wanted, but now, more questions have formed in my head. What does my family do that is so dangerous, to a point where I am one of the only girls in Sicily who carry the name 'Amity.'

I am pulled out of my thoughts by Elijah, who puts me back on the ground carefully and snakes his arm around my waist protectively. I look up at him, but he isn't looking at me. I sigh, keeping my eyes directed towards the front as well.

"I am so proud of you." He finally says. "You deserve an ice cream."

"Fuck yeah, I do."

A/N: Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for reading. Please remember to vote, comment and keep reading when I update again tomorrow. I love you all so much. I hope to see you all tomorrow when I give out another chapter. I love you!! Bye for now <<<3

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