chapter twenty

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Well, damn, shit is about to go down. Even from my spot at the popular table, I can tell that the entire lunchroom has directed their attention towards my brothers, as well as Elijah and his friends.

"Vuoi dirlo più forte, Romano?" Elijah asks, with a smirk plastered to his sculptured face. You want to say that louder, Romano?

"Certamente sì, serpente." Marco retorts, turning to face me, before spitting on Elijah's school shoes. I certainly do, you snake.

I scrunch my nose in confusion. What did Marco mean by Snake? Elijah doesn't look like a snake to me, more like a lovely deer, or maybe a lion.

My brother's statement is enough for Elijah to lunge at him, but to my surprise, Marco just moves out of the way, laughing maniacally. This only angers the boy, causing him and his friends to jump on my brothers.

It almost seems like my three youngest brothers allow themselves to be tackled. They don't even fight back as Elijah and his friends bash them, violently. Xander even lets out a laugh, pushing his hands behind his head, as if he is trying to get comfortable on the couch at home.

Five minutes have passed and my brothers show no response to the sour beating. If I didn't know any better, I would say that they enjoyed it. My body is starting to shake in distress, so I decide to do, what other people should have already done.

Standing up, I slowly walk toward the aggressive boys, all of whom seem to be in their own world. I take Elijah's elbow into my grip, holding onto it gently, to stop him from throwing his fist at Marco's head again.

But it seems that Elijah doesn't recognize my touch, sine instead of swinging at Marco's head, he goes at mine. I don't know my brothers take the pain. It feels like all of the breath is knocked out of my body.

When I hit the floor, it seems like all of the fighting stops. Xavier immediately gets up from the floor, closely followed by a scrambling Xander and Marco.

"Are you okay, succhiare il miele," Xavier crouches down beside me, holding onto my chin with two fingers, and tilting my head around. Honey suckle.

"You, prick. How dare you touch my sister. I will rip your skin from your tendons," Marco says in a dangerously low voice, and now I can see why people are scared of my brothers.

"Ami, cutie, I'm sorry." Elijah kneels down in front of my taking me from Xavier's grip. He shushes me, and lulls me softly, running his hand through my hair.

"Don't you dare touch her, you fucker." Marco pulls Elijah away from me, landing one solid punch on his face, causing a loud crack to echo around the room.

I try to swivel my head to face Elijah and Marco, but Xavier holds me still, as the sickening sound of flesh hitting flesh penetrates my ears.

"Don't listen to them, Ami, Jones is just trying to get in your head," Xavier tells me gently.

Suddenly, Xander stands up, joining into their aggressive fight. I hope that no one gets seriously injured. After seeing what Marco could do, and how easily he could threaten another intimidating boy, I wouldn't be surprised if Elijah came off worse in the fight.

"No, Elijah is a good boy, he has helped me a lot lately. I am very grateful for him. Actually, I think I should we should help him. I do not want anyone to get injured," I ramble on, trying to twist and turn, to get a good view of the boys.

"No, Ami. your head is injured. You are probably not even thinking straight," Xavier counters, holding me to close to him, on the floor.

Suddenly, the cafeteria doors open again, and the commotion comes to a stop. A little bit of shuffling can be heard, but I wait for the voice to begin talking.

"Mr. Jones, Mr. Elic, Mr. Patior," someone shouts at Elijah and his two friends, "Mr. Romano, Mr. Romano, Mr. Romano. In my office NOW!"

I can only presume that it is the principle. When Xavier lets go of me, I jump up from my spot on the floor, and rush over to the pristine man, coming to a stop when I am right in front of him.

"Please, sir. It was my fault. I provoked them. I should be in trouble, not them." I gesture to the six boys who stand, looking very bloody and bruised, behind me.

"Well then, in that case, Miss. Romano, feel free to join us." The principle's voice doesn't sound as confident as it does before, and he refuses to make eye contact with me,

"No, Tony. You will not punish our sister, or you will have our father's best lawyers up your ass. Is that clear?"

I scrunch my eyebrows at Marco's word. How could you say something like that, to someone important as your principal.

"No, sir. That was extremely rude of my brother. I take full responsibility for my actions. It was my fault that they fought in the first place." I say, carefully, making sure to word my sentences slowly, so that they don't sound disrespectful.

"Let us just go to my office," the principle says gruffly.

Elijah and his two friends are at the front following straight after the principle. My brothers are at the back, they all step at the same time, and shoot disgusted glares at other students. Their chins are raised, and they look towards the other people, as if they are below them.

I scurry after the six boys, trying to catch up with Elijah. I still have to thank him for helping me with my job, and buying me ice cream. Oh, and being kind to me, when no one else was.

"I am sorry about your face, Eli. I promise that they didn't mean it. I think that Marco just has some anger issues." I whisper the last part so that my brothers can't hear us. My apology seems to catch him off guard.

"No, you shouldn't apologize for your brothers' actions. They should grow dicks, and say it to my face." Elijah says sorrowfully. "And anyway, I fucked up your face. I am really sorry about that. I promise to make it up to you. Maybe on the way to your job tomorrow afternoon? Do we have a date?"

I nod my head profusely, loving the idea of more Elijah time.

"Oh, and cutie. I love it when you call me Eli."

I blush at his words, since I didn't purposely give him a nickname. I sort of did it without thinking. Just as I am about to reply to Elijah's statement, as strong force grabs my waist and pulls me backwards.

"No, Ami. We do not talk to people like them. Did father not give you the explicit expectation of not talking to the snake. Maybe, he needs another beating. No, maybe he needs to have a talk with Stefano, Alec, Alex and father. I am sure that their words, would be much more effective than mine. What do you think?"

I do not like Marco's words at all, so I don't reply.

"That is what I thought." He huffs, before we walk into the principle's office.

Inside are four grown men. My brothers' and my father, and three other people, who I assume are the dads for Elijah and his friends.

"So, are we going to talk about why I have five boys, who all look to be extremely injured, and a girl who claims that it is her fault. Care to explain the situation? Anyone?" The principle says. 

A/N: Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for reading. I can't believe that we're already at 20 chapters!!! Time's flying by so fastttt. Anyway, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please remember to vote, comment and keep reading when I get another chapter out tomorrow. Also, thank you so much for 4k reads!!! I hope to see you all tomorrow. I love you all!!!! Byeee <3

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