chapter eight

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Ok, so maybe running was very risky, but what can I say, I'm one of a kind. I hear muffled yelling as I force my body to sprint down the shopping mall. I can only presume that my three older brothers are not far behind me.

I exit the plaza, not slowing down, that would be dangerous and dumb. I quickly spin on the spot, trying to navigate a sneaky way to go. There are eight possible paths I could follow because I have stopped at a rounder bout. '

Deciding on the sketchiest one, I rush down it, following all of the twists and turns I possibly could. I doubt my brothers would expect me to go this way. I eventually come to a stop, dropping to my knees and panting.

I knew I should have joined the track team in my previous school. Oh well, too late to change it. As they say, could have, would have, should have, did not. Well, that's what my school in Melbourne said. They seemed to say it all the time. Like constantly.

An abandoned set of buildings line the street across from me. I sprint in front of the busy road, dodging the speeding cars. God, this is a lot harder than they show in movies and books. I take a second to look behind me, only to see my three brothers.

But instead of them sweating and sprinting like I expected them to be, they are all walking at a leisurely pace. If I didn't know better, I'd say that they were roaming around, searching for a new café. Maybe if they pointed their fingers everywhere, they could be classified as tourists.

I don't know how they did that, but it only urges me to go faster. I guess I have to, otherwise, I'll be caught and in a lot of trouble for attempting to run away. Oh well, I sort of just hoped that they'd at least break a sweat and be troubled by my escape.

The entire point of my running attempt was to A) get away from my crazy family, and B) prove that I'm not as fragile as they make out and that I'll give them a run for their money. Sorry, another Australian phrase.

I smash open the door of one of the abandoned apartments. It smells disgusting and dirt coats the floor. Old shirts and pants still hang from the edge of one old love seat, some on the knobs of doors. But that smell, it is beyond revolting.

It almost smells like someone died in here.

I force my legs to walk into the bedroom, where I'm sure the source of the smell is coming from. A terrified gasp comes from my mouth. A dead body lays on the floor, their legs under the bed. A neat hole sits in the center of their temple, and it seems that a small blood trail follows after them.

My face becomes white in fear. Who would go as far as killing someone? I mean, yes, Xander threatened to kill my mother, our mother a few days ago. But that is all it was. A threat. Actually killing someone, is completely different.

Puke flies from my mouth as I stumble back, overcome by fear and disgust. But I don't waste a lot of time, I know that my brothers must not be far behind. I sprint up the cracked staircase, trodding on smashed and broken pieces of glass.

The second story of this house is smaller and more bashed up than the first. Dust litters the ground, adding a stench of old must. I block my nose in disgust but continue my path to the balcony, which lacks the safety rails. The cement floor has large holes, where I am able to see below.

The front door smashes open, and I hear three sets of angry, loud footsteps penetrate the first level of the apartment.

"Oh, darling Amity, where are you, my zucchero?" Stefano shouts in a sing song voice. Sugar.

Obviously, I don't respond, leaning myself further over the balcony and holding my hand over my mouth, so I don't make a noise.

"You're not in trouble, succhiare il miele," Xavier shouts out. Honey suckle. "Well not if you come out now..."

I keep inching closer to the edge, less than a step from falling eleven meters. And cracking my head open to die.

A set of footsteps run up the staircase.

"I know you're up here, Ami. Make it easier for yourself and just come out of hiding." I'm sure that was Xander.

"neonata, get down from there. You're not thinking straight," Xander says, his voice not wavering. Baby girl.

Two more people run up the stairs, their pace seems to be extremely fast. Stefano steps in front of Xander, holding his hand out, wanting me to take it. Xavier joins Xander, stepping next to him.

"If you jump, you'll be in trouble." Is all Stefano says. "Make the right choice."

Instead of listening to him like I should have, I take one small step backwards, doing the unimaginable.

I feel my body fall, but don't remember hitting the ground. Darkness takes over my vision.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading this chapter!!! ALSO THANK YOU FOR NEARLY 900 READS!! Please remember to vote, comment, and keep reading when I get another chapter out tomorrow. I love you all so much. Bye!! I'll see you all tomorrow <<3

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