chapter thirty two

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I take a deep breath once we have boarded the plane. I don't know what to think. Half of me is scared that Stefano will pull me off the plane, and force me back home. The other part of me is scared that my family will let me have pretend freedom, and make me worry for the next few years, about them finding me.

Elijah comfortingly runs his hands across my waist, knowing that there is something bothering me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't feel like it, cutie, but I know that you aren't feeling good. You can tell me anything," Elijah says softly, so no one else can hear us.

"It is just- um, I saw one of my brothers and he saw me. I am a little bit worried because he saw us in the line for this flight. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before Eli, I was just scared." My ramble slows down when I see that Elijah isn't mad at me, for not saying anything earlier.

"It is fine, Ami, I won't let them get you, I promise to keep you safe."

I lean into the boy's embrace, resting my head on his chest.

"The flight will only be an hour, so there is no point getting too comfortable. We will be there before you know it, cutie. I won't let them find you," Elijah says, gently, holding me close to his body.

Eli gave me the window seat, so I turn my head towards the window, looking at the clouds, that are vividly obvious in the sky. My hand reaches up to touch the solid glass window panel, and I watch as the white clouds fly past, in the blue sky.

"What happens if they do find me?" I ask in a scared voice, not wanting to know the answer.

Elijah looks away for a second and seems to be pondering deeply, as if trying to find a reasonable response, to the question.

"Ami, I promise that if they ever take you, I will find a way to get you back." His words are reassuring, and I want to trust him, but some small part of me doesn't want to.

At some stage, I believed the words that my brothers and father said. That they 'love' me, and only do everything because they want to 'protect' me. I have a feeling that all of those words were lies.

And I can't help but think that Elijah is doing the same. He promises to always keep me safe, and find a way to get me back. Don't make promises that you can't keep, Eli.

But instead of responding this way, I just nod, and plaster a small smile on my face, trying really hard to believe his words.

The hour flies by, and I am surprised that no missile or bomb attacked our airplane. You know, just because it often happens. (Note my sarcasm.)

"Attenzione a tutti i volantini, spero che abbiate fatto un volo rilassante, ora abbiamo raggiunto la nostra destinazione, la Slovenia. Grazie per aver volato con noi, vi auguro una buona giornata." A mechanical voice says, through the speakers. Attention all fliers, I hope that you have all had a relaxing flight, we have now reached our destination, Slovenia. Thank you for flying with us, may you all have a great day.

I look behind us, to see Mr. and Mrs. Jones, who have begun grabbing our carry-on bags from above us, in the flight pockets. I stand up, after Elijah, and take his hand, to ensure that we don't get separated.

Slowly, we make our way down the stairs, and the cool air smacks me in the face. I pull the hood of my jacket further over my head, to protect me from the harsh, cold weather.

"Ready to start a new life?" Elijah asks me, not looking back at the plane, only forwards, to where our new lives are.

"Ready as I will ever be," I say, mimicking his actions.

I let the wind sweep my hair, and set my eyes forwards. This is going to be my new life, whether I like it or not.

I will become stronger than ever.

A/N: Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for eight thousand and eight hundred reads!! We're getting so close to ten thousand I can feel it. Anyway, I'm sorry for the short chapter, but hope that you all enjoyed it. If you did enjoy this chapter, please remember to vote, comment and continue to read when I update tomorrow night at around the same time. I love you all so much and hope you have an incredible say. I hope to see you all again tomorrow night when I upload a chapter again. Byeee <<<3

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