chapter twenty five

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When Elijah reluctantly gave me his phone, I opened it and went straight to the 'phone' app, needing to hear her voice. Only just now, did I realize how deprived and lonely I feel without my mother.

I dial her number into the phone's small section, waiting patiently as I listen to the humming rings. After the third ring, I begin to lose hope, thinking that she won't pick up, but I am pleasantly surprised when her voice can be heard through the speakers.

"Hello, Vivian speaking."

I swear that tears made their way to my eyes, and the whole world turns blurry for a couple of seconds.

"Mama. It's me, Ami." I choke down the sob that is trying to come out of my mouth.

"Am, my beautiful little girl, is it really you?" Her soft voice says, and I can feel the tears coming from the other end of the line.

I nod my head enthusiastically, before remembering that she can't hear my nods from the other side of the world. "Yes, mum. I promise it is me."

"I became so worried. I thought you died or something." Her tone is both scolding and joking.

"No mum. I would have called sooner, but my phone broke. I am currently using my friend's phone. I wish we could have talked in better circumstances, but unfortunately, I have to be the bearer of bad news," I say sadly, imagining my mother's young and beautiful face drop in disappointment.

"Yes, darling. I think I already know. Did you find out your brothers' and father's jobs?"

"Yes, mama. And it was done in a horrible way. They weren't even the ones to tell me! I was enjoying my day at work. Then suddenly I was asked to get down. I heard Xavier's, Xander's, and Marco's voices. They killed an innocent man because he didn't pay them in time. I swear on my life mum, I wanted to help the man, but my body refused to cooperate. I am partly to blame for his death."

I look down at my shoes, feeling ashamed as I admit my mistake. Elijah walks over to me and embraces me. I gratefully accept his hug, melting into it. As a way of showing my gratitude, I give his cheek a small kiss and grin up at him softly. He looks both shocked and happy, causing him to kiss my forehead.

"I think I need to visit you guys in person. Maybe your father, brothers and I will sort out your custody issue again since obviously, it is not working. I guess you now know why we divorced in the first place." My mother says, sounding determined, but I am not as sure.

"You really don't have to do that mum. I can't imagine how much money that would cost, and how time consuming it would be. Please, don't waste your time on this small thing. I think that I will just stay at a friend's house for a while until everything blows over?" Although my statement sounds reassuring, the last sentence comes out as a question.

"No Amity. I will take the next flight down to Sicily. It probably takes off in a couple of hours, so I better be off. Pack my bags and all. Bye, sweetheart. Stay strong until I arrive." Her voice is enthusiastic, and she talks like we are mentioning the weather and not seeing her psychotic ex husband and serial killer sons.

I don't even have the chance to say bye since she has already hung up. I mumble a little bit under my breath, about how everything turned out to be. I give Elijah his phone back and sigh loudly at the prospect of my situation. It all escalated so quickly.

"I should probably be going now." I clear my throat, looking at Sandy and Elijah, "just so they aren't worried. Will you guys be alright here?"

Sandy nods and Elijah frowns.

"How will you be getting home?" He asks.

"Oh, um, I was thinking of walking, you know. Just to think about everything."

Elijah looks skeptical, but nevertheless, he nods. "I want you to come with me, but I completely understand that you want alone time."

I shoot the boy a thankful smile, before turning to walk out, waving at the two people, as I leave.

The second I am out of the plaza, I can feel all of the weight pull itself down on my shoulders. I take my head into my hands, as I walk, fully aware of the rain that is pouring from above. Why? Why did my family have to be involved? Why did they have to kill people? Why did I have to find out like this? Why couldn't they have told me before? Did they even trust me? What if they are secretly planning my death?

Questions fly around my head at hundreds of kilometers an hour, yet I don't have a single answer for any question. New questions just come from the ones that I can not answer.

The rain merges with my tears, and as I come closer and closer to the Romano household, I can't help but think about what awaits me inside. Once the guards catch a glimpse of who I am, the front gates mechanically open, and one of them talks quietly on a walkie talky.

Seconds later, the front door opens, and Xavier stands there, a large smile plastered on my face, probably trying to soothe me, but it ends up doing nothing to help my fear. Not even half an hour ago, the man in front of me killed another human as if he did it all of the time.

My brother showed no remorse.

No guilt.

No sadness.


I stop, a couple of steps away from him, so I am still in the rain, while he is undercover. His once large smile has now turned into a small frown, displaying a few of his early wrinkles.

"Succhiare il miele, what are you doing? Come inside, I don't want you to catch a cold." Xavier's voice sounds concerned, and I can't help but feel terrified. What will he do if I don't follow his command? Kill me like the old man? Or maybe he will do worse. Honey suckle.

I seem to be unable to stop the sob that racks my body. This makes Xavier rush over to me, making his body become drenched in water. After the loud sound makes its way from my mouth, I cover my lips, hoping that it was my imagination, but when my brother wraps his strong arms around me, I know that it was all real.

I feel like a terrible person. I shouldn't find comfort in a killer's embrace, but I can't help myself from snuggling into his warm front.

What is wrong with me?!

A/N: Hey guys!!!!! Thank you so much for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed it, please remember to vote, comment and keep reading. As usual, I'll have another chapter out tomorrow night. I love you all, and hope that you all come back to read again tomorrow when I update again. Byeeee <<<<3

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