Chapter thirty

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My grandfather pulls me down upon his lap when he realizes that I am the only one who is still standing. I squirm uncomfortably, having to touch his musty, crusty, dusty legs, that are obsessed with respect and fear.

"Don't touch me, you pervert. I don't care if we are related, your Oompa Loompa legs are touching mine," I spit dramatically. I know that he wasn't intending on doing anything he shouldn't, but I feel a bit like a drama queen today.

"Allora, signorina Romano, ho notato che è scappata di casa ieri sera. È vero?" The principal asks when no one responds to my previous words. So, miss Romano, it has come to my attention that you ran away from home last night. Is that true?

"It is not, not true." A smirk rises on my face at the small victory. Cringy.

"Questa scuola rappresenta solo i migliori studenti e la loro reputazione al di fuori della scuola è molto importante per noi. Scappare dalla sua famiglia non va bene, è chiaro, signorina Romano. Tua madre e tuo padre mi hanno chiesto di essere il testimone per firmare documenti riguardanti..." The principal is about to continue but is cut off by my father's hand, which raises slightly in the air, silently demanding for him to end the speech. This school represents only the best students, and their reputations outside of school matter a lot to us. Running from your family is not okay, is that understood, Miss. Romano. Your mother and father have asked me to be the witness to sign documents regarding-

"What, regarding what?!" I desperately plead, looking from one family member to another.

The principal glances at my father, and receives a nod of approval. Probably to continue his talk. "La tua famiglia ha bisogno di un testimone, per affermare che sei troppo instabile per stare lontano da loro. Ad esempio, scappare. Ciò significa che ogni volta che decidi di fare un'acrobazia del genere, la tua stessa legge verrà infranta. Naturalmente, dato che sono i proprietari del dipartimento di polizia, tuo padre e tua madre non hanno bisogno di farlo, ma hanno voglia di fare le cose in modo equo. Solo per te." Your family needs a witness, to claim that you are too unstable to be away from them. For example, running away. This means that each time you decide to pull a stunt like that, your very own law will be broken. Of course, since they own the police department, your father and mother don't need to do that, but they feel like doing things fairly. Just for you.

Fair. How the fuck is that fair? That is one of the most unfair things I have ever heard in my life. No, no, and no. But I don't give it too much thought, hopefully, in a few days, the Jones' and I will be across the country, starting new lives.

"You convinced my mother to do that? I highly doubt that you are telling the truth." I scoff at the thought of my mother agreeing to something as barbaric as this. She wouldn't, would she? Yes, I may currently hate her, for what she did to me, about how she lied to me, but that doesn't make me think that she is a bad person. She is just someone who has their priorities mixed up, like me.

"She is coming down right now, she would have been here earlier, but she had some documents about our... divorce to sign," my father says, wording his sentence carefully.

Suddenly, the office door opens, and of course, my mother stands in the doorway, looking so confident. She kisses my dad's lips first, which makes me very shocked. Is that a red flag... or? Then, she proceeds to kiss each one of her sons, including the cousins, before stopping in front of me.

"Sono così felice che tu stia bene, farfalla mia. Non hai idea di quanto fossi preoccupato. Non ti è mai permesso farlo di nuovo," my mother scolds gently, pulling me up, and  wrapping her arms around me. I am so glad that you are alright, my butterfly. You have no idea how worried I was. You are never allowed to do that again.

"You can't stop me, but your ex-husband seems to have brainwashed you," I mumble into her shirt.

"Hai quindici anni, e nostro figlio, ovviamente, posso fermarti, e se non stai rispettando, cosa che non sei, allora coinvolgerò la legge. Tuo padre ed io non siamo più ex partner, siamo giunti alla conclusione che sarebbe meglio per noi vivere insieme, come una famiglia. Aiuta molto i bambini ad avere sempre due genitori che li sostengono." My mother states in a matter of fact tone, and honestly, I cannot believe that after ten years, my parents got back together. You are fifteen years old, and our child, of course, I can stop you, and if you aren't complying- which you aren't, then I will involve the law. Your father and I are no longer ex-partners, we have come to the conclusion, that it would be best for us to live together, as a family. It helps you kids a lot, to have two supporting parents around all of the time.

"Mama, I am the only child left in the family," I explain, exasperated.

"Vieni qui, tesoro. Anch'io ho bisogno di un abbraccio. Lo faremo solo perché ti amiamo, ok Ami. Vogliamo solo che tu sia al sicuro, e se questo significa presentare la tua legge personale al riguardo, allora lo faremo. Sarai con noi per sempre, tesoro. Ti prometto che capirai di più in futuro." My dad tugs me over to him, and I melt into his arms, even though I am partly terrified and partly enraged. Come here, treasure. I need a hug as well. We are only going to do this, because we love you, okay Ami. We only want you to be safe, and if that means filing your own personal law about it, then we will do it. You shall be with us forever, treasure. I promise that you will understand more in the future.

His hands are touching me. The hands that have killed many people. His mouth is talking to me, the same mouth that proudly admitted to being a mafia boss. His children are sitting around me, the same children who will one day turn into their father. And I carry the same blood.

Those thoughts were too much for me. Tears slip down my cheeks. They are quiet at first before another feeling settles in my mind. Lonely. When I leave the country in a couple of days, I will never see my family again. And, yes, I know that they aren't exactly the best people out there, but they are still my family. I think... I'll miss them. Those quiet tears have now turned into full on sobs, at the thought of never seeing my mother again. The woman who raised me.

Even though she is acting differently now, and is taking my father's side, I still love her. My dad gives my head lots of comforting kisses, and he coos gently in my ear, but it doesn't help calm me down.

I am passed to Alex, the boy I was closest with, before I left, ten years ago. He was like my rock when I was five years old. He has me on his lap, and runs his hand soothingly up and down my back, using the other one to fiddle with my hair.

After twenty minutes, I have basically calmed down, and Alex's grip on me has loosened, and I slowly shift away from him, knowing what is about to happen.

"Guys, I am really sorry," I explain apologetically.

"Per cosa, Ami?" My mother asks. For what, Ami?




"For this!"

I jump up from the chair and sprint to the door, the second I hear the familiar car horn. Elijah's car horn. I know that he is waiting out the front of the school for me.

To be honest, half of my crying was acting, and half of it wasn't. I guess, I wanted the last moments of family time, to be spent without them knowing about me leaving, so that is exactly what I planned to happen. But quite a few of those were real.

"Arrivederci, famiglia. Possiamo incontrarci in futuro, bastardi. Per allora, avremo una battaglia leale. Ma fino ad allora..." I shout from the end of the hallway, so they can hear me. Good bye, family. May we meet in the future, you bastards. By then, we will have a fair fight. But until then...

A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry if there's anything different tonight with the font. I've had to upload this chapter on my phone since it's not working on my laptop. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please remember to vote, comment and keep reading when I post another chapter tomorrow night. I love you all so much. Byeeee <<<33333

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