Chapter 20

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After 11 years,

Parikshit~ 15 years
Vatsala~ 15 years
Uttara ~ 30 years

Soldiers: Hail to the Emperor!

Yudhisthir who was looking after the arrangements for the aswamedha yagya looked at the soldier.

Yudhisthir: Have you found the horse?

Soldiers: No maharaj but from our spy, we got to know that the horse went towards North and the ruler of North is ready to wage a war.

Yudhisthir frowned and the lines of tension was visible in his forehead.

Draupadi: Who is ruler there, arya?

Subhadra: Is it Manipura kingdom?

Draupadi and Yudhisthir looked at Subhadra.

Subhadra: Pardon for speaking in midst.

Draupadi: You don't need to ask forgiveness sister. But if it is Manipura, maybe we don't have to wage a war. Soldier, do you know where did that horse go and who is ruler there.

Soldier: Umm.... as much our spy told, that kingdom is ruled by the king of Manipur, Bhabruvahana.

Yudhisthir: Okay. You can go now and tell Prince Arjun to come here soon.

Soldier nodded.

After sometimes, Arjun came and greeted Yudhisthir.

Arjun: Pranam maharaj.

Yudhisthir: We got to know about the location of that horse for aswamedha yagya.

Arjun: Ohh okay. I am going to make strategies and order soldiers to prepare themselves for war.

Subhadra: Wait arya, maybe we can have a solution here without waging a war.

Arjun: What are you saying Satwati? I don't think there is any solution without war. It's not a normal horse that we can get this easily. No king will accept any kind of peace proposal in this regard.

Subhadra: I know arya that this horse was for aswamedha yagya and no kingdom will return that without war. But situation is different here and that kingdom is situated at north which is ruled by Manipur only.

Arjun grasped hearing the name of Manipur. It had been many days he didn't go there. He was so occupied with his responsibilities that he couldn't go there to his son or wife. Even with Draupadi and Subhadra also, he speaks rarely nowadays. Maybe, the son of his beloved chitravahini is the king now. But does it matter? Will he accept his father who left him and his mother long ago and never returned to them? If he doesn't accept also, Arjun can't blame him.

Arjun came back from his thoughts hearing Draupadi's voice.

Draupadi: Now say aryaputra Arjun, can you raise weapons over your own son? Do you still think there can be no solution here without war? Please don't let another bloodshed happen.

Arjun passed a confusing look and his heart was having the fear of another bloodshed war against own blood.

Subhadra went to Arjun and kept her hand on his shoulder passing a calm and assuring smile. Maybe, it couldn't remove his fear but gave him courage and assured that everything will be fine. Whenever he sees him, he falls for her again and again. She is really a goddess in disguise. He really finds himself lucky getting her as soulmate. His Madhav was right when he told his sister is the best gift to his best friend. Yes, she is really the best gift from his Madhav.

Arjun: I will see.

Arjun went from there and Subhadra followed him. As it was night, the commander in chief of hastinapur can't take any step now. He have to wait till dawn. Still 3 prahars (9 hours) was left. Every seconds were giving the feeling of eternity. The heart of a father was becoming restless. He was going to meet with his son after so many years and situation is also critical. Who knows what will happen? Will a father lose in front of the responsibilities of a commander in chief? Will it be his first and last meet with his son?

Subhadra: Arya, don't worry. Keep trust on God. This time, he is not going to disappoint you. Your son and your beloved wife will accept you wholeheartedly.

Arjun sat and looked at his beloved wife.

Arjun: I hope so bhadrey. But chances is rare here maybe. What will happen if he refuse to accept me as father? Will my emotions and inner feelings lose once again in front of duties and kshatriya dharma?

Subhadra looked at his eyes and it was revealing everything. His old wounds were giving him more pain today.

Subhadra: Swami, don't think so negative. Everything will be fine.

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