Dear Reader,

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Dear Reader,

I am very happy that you have chosen this book.
It is my second time trying to write a book and I hope that you enjoy it.
I am still in the process of writing it. While I do that, I hope to get your feedback to learn and become a better writer.

I had the idea for this book in 2017, but I never really wrote it down. It is a story that I always thought would make a great TV Show. When you read this, it might seem as if you are watching a movie. Well that's at least what I am trying to accomplish:)

I also wanted to let you know, that English is not my first language and if I have any spelling mistakes: I am sorry:/ I am trying to become a better writer.

If you have any wishes, ideas or questions, please let me know in the comment sections:)

I am excited for your comments.

Yours truly


PS: I left the updated map of the location.

PS: I left the updated map of the location

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