Chapter 8

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Hidden in the Cemetary

The tall grass sways beside me, whispering secrets to the wind's boisterous song. As I run my fingers along its feathery tips, cool dewdrops cling to my skin, like a million tiny kisses.

My gaze drifts past Josefine, her form a silhouette against the vibrant tapestry of the sunset. The sun, a fiery orb, sinks low in the sky, cloaked in a wisp of crimson clouds. I self-consciously brush the dampness off my hands onto my jeans, the denim rough against my palm.
We've been walking for what feels like an eternity, at least half an hour by my estimation. The journey began shrouded in the cool embrace of the woods, sunlight dappling the forest floor in a mosaic of light and shadow. But the trees have thinned, giving way to this vast expanse of swaying grass.

A pang of frustration lanches through me.

I wish I had my map.

I pride myself on being prepared, yet here I am, lost without a compass.

I glance back over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of Luca. His long strides seem to eat up the ground, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Luca?" My voice emerges tentative, battling the nervous knot tightening in my stomach. The silence has stretched on for so long, a heavy weight pressing down on me.

He turns, his eyes meeting mine with a calmness that both soothed and unsettles me. It's a look that holds a depth of familiarity, a secret shared between us.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask, my voice barely audible over the whisper of the wind. "I've never been here before."

Josefine, silent until now, swiveled her head towards us. Luca's gaze flickers to hers momentarily before returning to the path ahead.

A long pause stretches between us, thick with unspoken questions. Finally, Luca speaks, his voice a low rumble.

"Look," he says, gesturing with a jerk of his chin.

Josefine's voice cuts through the tension. "The cemetery? Why is Garcia going to the cemetery?"
The realization strikes me like a physical blow.

The map. I should have known.

Ahead, two imposing stone pillars rise from the ground, connected by a weathered wooden sign. The wind howls through its tattered frame, setting the inscription creaking back and forth.

Mason Cemetery.

Beyond the wrought iron fence, a sea of gravestones stretches out in a distorted pattern. A couple of scraggly trees cling to the edge of a steep slope, but the place is deserted.

"I told you not to talk, didn't I?" Luca's annoyed gaze shoots towards Josefine, who crosses her arms defensively.

Why does he hate her so much?

"Luca?" I look at him, confused, but he ignores me completely and strides off towards the far end of the cemetery.

I glance back at Josefine, who watches him go with a resigned expression. She notices my pitying look and shakes her head.

"I get it you know?" Josefine gives me a small smile.

"What do you mean?" I can't help but tilt my head in confusion.

Josefine and I start walking after Luca, who's approaching a large garbage can beside a lonely tree.

"My boyfriend. I mean my ex-boyfriend," she starts to explain, "and him don't exactly see eye to eye. They're kind of rivals."

"I noticed Bryce wasn't exactly Luca's biggest fan at the party," I laugh, remembering Bryce's drunken face after his sand-bathing incident. "But I don't think Luca really cares."

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