Chapter 2

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Rolls Royce

As Mr. Ludwig and I step out of the school building, the rain continues to pour heavily, turning the ground into a series of small ponds that our footsteps splash through.

"Thank you," I say with a grateful smile as Mr. Ludwig opens up an umbrella to shield me from the rain. With each step, the wet ground glistens beneath our feet, and the fresh scent of rain fills the air, adding to the sense of anticipation that hangs in the atmosphere.

The sound of raindrops pattering on my umbrella creates a soothing rhythm, somewhat calming the excitement and nervousness intertwining within me, creating a jittery feeling in my chest.

As we make our way towards the parking space, my eyes catch sight of a sleek black Rolls Royce parked nearby, waiting for us to embark on our journey.


The sight of the luxurious car takes me aback, and for a moment, I feel like I'm in a dream. I've never experienced such opulence before, and the realization that I'll be riding in this elegant vehicle fills me with a mixture of awe and excitement.

Mr. Ludwig opens the door for me with a graceful gesture, and I step inside, feeling the plush leather seats embrace me like a warm hug. It's as if I've been transported to a different world—one of sophistication and privilege.

"Thank you," I say again, my voice filled with genuine gratitude. I settle into the seat, allowing myself to soak in the grandeur of the surroundings.

Mr. Ludwig takes his place behind the wheel, and the engine of the Rolls Royce purrs to life with a gentle hum. He reaches into a compartment and hands me a flyer.

"Here's a map of the school campus," he says kindly. "It'll help you get familiar with the various buildings and locations."

I take the flyer with excitement, eager to learn more about the Academy of Bourgeoise and the place that will soon become my new home. Unfolding the flyer, I find a beautifully designed layout of Mason Island.

 Unfolding the flyer, I find a beautifully designed layout of Mason Island

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"Thank you," I reply, my eyes scanning the details on the map. The main academic buildings are marked clearly, along with the library, police station and the four campuses.

Mr. Ludwig begins to drive and curious it's overcomes me.



"Why has no one been excepted to the Acedmy for the scholarship before?"

"Students have been excepted, but the last student who got excepted was in the year 1876."

"Why has it been so long?" I mumble, but Mr. Ludwig hears me.

"The Academy was build by 13 founding families on December 17th, 1692. Next to the this eyes the wealthiest families in the world have the opportunity to send their children to this Acedmy. The more these families grow the larger the amount of students will be that have to be accepted by the academy. So acces for new money is tight and above that the entry exam for the scholarship has become very difficult, due to the growing expectations the Academy has to fulfill not only for the founding families but the public."

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