Chapter 5

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Who Is The New Girl?

A playful smile dances at the corners of Tulsi's lips, a spark of mischief lighting up her eyes as she throws down a challenge to Bryce. Her raised eyebrows hold a mixture of confidence and provocation, an unspoken assertion that she's fully prepared to tackle this contest head-on.

Josefine's surprise is palpable, her gaze shifting between Tulsi and Bryce. The tension is thick in the air, and the weight of the impending showdown is evident as Bryce finally responds.

"Fine, bring it on," Bryce retorts, attempting to mask his unease beneath a layer of bravado. With those words, he turns and heads toward the beach buggies that await the racers.

While Tulsi begins talking to Luca and Matteo, Josefine remains observant, intrigued by the dynamic unfolding before her. There's an undeniable aura of determination surrounding Tulsi, one that kindles a sense of curiosity deep within Josefine. Amid the charged atmosphere, Hayley's voice injects a dash of levity.

"She's got some guts," Hayley comments, her admiration for Tulsi evident.

Josefine blinks, momentarily torn between supporting her boyfriend and cheering for Tulsi. "Hey, shouldn't you be supportive of my boyfriend?" she rolls her eyes with a sense of loyalty.

Hayley's laughter rings out. "Over my death body." She playfully links her arm with Josefine's, their camaraderie unwavering. Josefine rolls her eyes yet again.

As Stacy joins the trio, they're swept up in the growing swell of excitement emanating from the crowd. Together, they walk toward the trucks that stand like rugged chariots of competition, ready to propel their contenders into the thrilling race ahead.

In the midst of their stride, Hayley abruptly interjects. "Josefine, there's something you need to know. Stacy, listen up too."

The group comes to a halt, curiosity etching itself across Josefine's features. "What is it?" she inquires, her attention now fully captured by Hayley's serious tone.

Unnoticed by Josefine, an exchange of meaningful glances passes between Hayley and the typically reserved Stacy, hinting at a shared secret.

Hayley begins, the gravity of her words underscoring her intent. "I've been wanting to tell you, because you deserve to—" Her words are abruptly cut short by Bryce's call.

"Jo, where are you?" his voice rings out from one of the trucks, a beer bottle still in hand.

"I told you not to call me that," Josefine shoots back."Lets talk later, okay?" She says to Hayley, before she distances herself from her friends, momentarily swept up by Bryce's beckoning.

Hayley's frustration simmers, her expression conveying her inner turmoil, while Stacy, perhaps sensing the tension, decides to follow Josefine, leaving Hayley alone with her thoughts.


A sense of reality slowly sinks into me as I stand there, my gaze fixated on the grains of sand beneath my feet. It's as if the particles of sand are now a metaphor for the swirling thoughts in my mind – thoughts that are rapidly shifting and colliding, much like the waves that crash against the shore. The sand is finding its way into my shoes, but I scarcely notice; my mind is consumed by larger concerns.

Why can't I just control my anger? Maybe I shouldn't do this. Can I still back out? Why would Luca actually do this to me.

A voice breaks through the whirlwind of my thoughts. It's Matteo, his tone laden with confusion and frustration. "If you needed a second so bad, you could have just asked me," he directs his words at Luca, who's standing by my side.

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