Chapter 10

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Something unexpected while doing something expected

The pre-dawn light strains through the thin dorm curtains, casting long shadows across the kitchen floor. Two tiny bowls of milk sit empty, testament to a breakfast already devoured. Squatting beside them, I'm lost in thought, my gaze flitting between the two bundles of fur nestled in a makeshift bed of soft towels.

School looms large, a heavy weight threatening to crush the newfound tranquility of the morning.

A contented purr rumbles through the black kitten's tiny chest as she stretches languidly, her sleek body brushing past my hand. I can't help but smile at her playful energy, such a stark contrast to the looming weight of school. Her brother, a fluffy ball of white fur, meticulously cleans his paw with a pink tongue peeking out in concentration.

"What should I name you two?" I whisper, my voice barely a murmur. The question that's been plaguing me all night.

Why do I always overthink everything?
What were the names I came up with yesterday? They can't be that good if I don't seem to remember.

A flicker of frustration tugs at the corners of my lips as I glance at my school bag, sitting patiently on the counter like a silent reminder of obligations.

"How about Pearl and Ocean?"

Suddenly, the white kitten stops his grooming and fixes me with his big, golden eyes, seemingly peering into my soul. A tiny meow escapes his throat, almost intrigued. I can't help but laugh, a genuine sound untouched by the weariness of school or the weight of the world. Bathed in the pre-dawn light, these names feel right in this quiet moment.

"Alright then," I chuckle softly, the sound echoing in the quiet kitchen. "Pearl and Ocean it is."


The heavy press of the academy's glass door whooshes open as Tulsi shoulders her way through, the sound swallowed by the morning bustle of students flooding the hallways. Her helmet, a dull grey against the monotone school uniform, dangles precariously from its clip on her backpack, bumping rhythmically against her lower back with each step.

She navigates the throng of students, some hurrying purposefully towards their classrooms, textbooks clutched tightly to their chests, others lingering in animated conversation, their laughter echoing through the high-ceilinged corridors. Instead, a heavy cloak of exhaustion seems to drape over her, casting a shadow on her usual vibrant demeanor.

A couple of students, their voices hushed and laced with a malicious curiosity, turn to whisper amongst themselves as Tulsi passes.  One throws a pointed glance in her direction, followed by a jab of a finger.  Tulsi pretends not to notice, her gaze fixed firmly on the hallway ahead.

Leaning casually against a locker, bathed in the morning light filtering through the vast glass doors, is Theresa. Her eyes scanning the crowd with a practiced nonchalance. Suddenly, her gaze snags on Tulsi, a smirk flitting across her lips.
A nudge of her elbow sends a jolt through Melike, who's rummaging through her locker, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Isn't riding a bike to school sooo lame?" Melike drawls, her voice dripping with mock. A high-pitched giggle erupts from Theresa, the sound bouncing off the polished surface of the glass doors like a particularly obnoxious echo.

Tulsi's head snaps up at the sound, the fatigue momentarily forgotten. Her gaze flicks instinctively towards the source of the laughter, landing on the two girls. But the spark of defiance that might have ignited in her eyes just yesterday is replaced by a flicker of something akin to resignation. A small, almost imperceptible sigh escapes her lips, and with a defeated slump of her shoulders, she turns away, her steps quickening as she heads towards the left turn. The familiar staircase leading to the upper floors disappears her from sight.

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