Chapter 6

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First Day of School

Running down a desolate corridor, I feel my heart racing in my chest, matching the frantic tempo of my footsteps. My breath comes in ragged gasps, mixing with the cold sweat that trickles down my face. The hallway stretches endlessly before me, the walls seemingly closing in, suffocating me with an oppressive sense of dread. Shadows dance on the edges of my vision, whispering secrets I can't quite catch.

The air is thick with tension, punctuated by agonizing screams that pierce through the darkness. I can't see their source, but they reverberate around me, a chorus of terror that shakes me to my core. Among the screams, a voice cuts through, a boy's voice pleading, "Where are you?"

I want to answer, to call out and let him know I'm here, but the panic is overwhelming. I have to find them first. Each step feels like an eternity as I navigate this nightmarish labyrinth, my bare feet echoing against the cold, unforgiving floor. The mix of sweat and blood on my face blurs my vision, making the path ahead even more treacherous.

The sense of pursuit intensifies, a presence that seems to feed on my fear. The footsteps behind me grow louder, a relentless drumbeat of impending doom. I can feel something behind me, an entity that's getting closer, its malicious intent palpable. The darkness at my back looms like a living, breathing nightmare, a malevolent force threatening to swallow me whole.

Then, a sudden jolt wrenches me from this terrifying reverie. My eyes snap open, and I'm drenched in sweat, my heart pounding as if it's trying to escape my chest. The morning light filters through my window, casting gentle rays that chase away the remnants of the nightmare. I'm shaking, my body a battlefield of lingering terror and the comforting touch of reality.

It was just a dream.

Emerging from the clutches of a haunting nightmare, I'm gasping for air, my heart racing like a frantic bird's wings. The room gradually comes into focus, awash in the soft hues of dawn, and the eerie shadows that had gripped my mind retreat in the face of reality.

With a trembling hand, I wipe the cold sweat from my forehead, my fingers coming away damp and slick. I shift, leaning against the solid support of the headboard, seeking solace in its reassuring presence. A deep breath courses through me, an attempt to restore a semblance of calmness to my racing heart.

Beside me, the nightstand clock cruelly blinks back at me: 5:55 am.

This can not be a coincidence.

Ever since my first day at the Campus, the timing of my awakening, persistently alignes with the same recurring dream. It's as though the threads of my subconscious are trying to show me something that I struggle to understand.

The floor is cool against my feet as I disentangle myself from the bed, while the world outside the window is still draped in the quiet embrace of early morning.

I quickly make my way to the bathroom and as I enter I am met with my own reflection in the mirror. Weariness is etched beneath my eyes, and an undercurrent of unease is lingering. I sigh hopelessly and hop into the shower hoping to wake up by its embrace.

The water's warmth soothes my tense muscles, and the scent of peony shampoo carries a hint of comfort. Each drop that slips down my skin feels like a small liberation, washing away both the physical and emotional residues of the night.

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