Chapter 3

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Tenpa Could Be Better

As I sit in the car, my eyes are captivated by the ever-changing landscape as we drive through the enchanting forest on a narrow, winding pathway. The lush greenery surrounds us, and the dappled sunlight filters through the thick canopy of leaves.

My curiosity is piqued when we pass by an old, rundown building behind a weathered wooden fence in the heart of the forest. As I turn my head to take a better look at it, I can't help but ask, "What was that?"

Mr. Ludwig glances in the direction of the building and kindly explains, "That is the first Tenpa building, constructed back in 1692. However, it was never used after the founding family decided to find a different location for the campus."


As the car continues its journey, the forest becomes denser, growing thicker, and the road becomes dimmer with the filtered light. The air is filled with a sense of enchantment as we make our way along the winding road.

Eventually, the pathway opens up, revealing a tranquil half-circle surrounded by tall trees. Within this serene enclave, I see nine charming wooden houses, each exuding a rustic charm of its own, lined up perfectly next to each other.

(Couldn't find a good picture)

"We have arrived at the Tenpa Campus. This is the smallest of all the four Campuses housing only 18 students this year." Mr.Ludwig informs me.

"How many students can it house?" I ask suprised as the car approaches the largest house, situated proudly in the middle of the row.

This must be the main building.

"Each building can house up to six students. This means in total 48."

The car comes to a gentle stop, and as I look out of the window. I can't help but notice the picturesque details of the buildings – the chimneys, the dark wood, and the inviting front porches accessed by outside stairs. Though the structures seem to carry the weight of history, they are remarkably well-preserved, evoking a sense of timeless beauty.

Mr. Ludwig kindly opens the car door for me, and I step outside, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation.

"Thank you." I smile and take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp forest air, absorbing the atmosphere around me.

So this Tenpa Campus.

I finally turn to face the main building. An elderly man and woman stand outside the grand wooden structure, engaged in a conversation with Mr. Ludwig, who holds my backpack in one hand.

As I walk towards them, he turns to me."I will bring this into your dorm."

"But-" Before I can respond, he swiftly leaves with my backpack, and I find myself momentarily taken aback. However, I understand that he must have important tasks to attend to, and I feel grateful for his assistance thus far.

As I stand there, a warm voice breaks through the momentary silence. "Hello, dearest!" I turn to see a woman in her 60s approaching me with open arms.

No hug, please.

Despite my unspoken wish, she embraces me in a soft and gentle hug. Once she lets go, she smiles warmly at me. "Welcome to Tenpa Campus Tulsi. We are glad that you will be joining us." Her words fill me with a glimmer of hope, and I can't help but feel a bit more at ease.

The man, behind her, walks up to me and extends his hand. I shake it, feeling the warmth of his greeting. "We are your house Mother and Father. Call us Mr. and Mrs. Tenpa."

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