March 27, 2023

8 3 0

Well, I got back with her... Why did I do that? I have no fucking clue. It's going to be a trial basis, one fuck up and she's done for good. I'm not going to be broken again like I was before.

 I will pay close attention and not get too attached like I was last time. Don't fall into her trap like last time, we just recently lost another friend. If I hadn't snapped and broken up with Axeria on the 14th none of this would've happened, this is a result of my actions. Yesterday I ran into Eddie as well- he didn't say anything thank god, I don't think he noticed it was me. I'm glad to be honest, but at the same time I didn't know how to react knowing he was there.

 My vents are growing shorter and less frequent which I'm happy about. I'm sick of my parents criticizing every single friend I have because they aren't picture ass fucking perfect people. It's starting to piss me off. I can't do anything about it either because I know there will be consequences, so I'm trying my hardest not to snap at them. It's mainly my dad that's doing it too and I'm sick of it. Does he just want me to not have friends at all? 

Like he can't act like his childhood was perfect, like his friends were perfect, then go criticize mine. I know damn well that his friends weren't perfect either.

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