2, stuck with you

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Marsaii Pov,

"There is no way I can work with him" Aniyah laughs on the other end of the phone, "you'll be fine, what's the worst that could happen?"

I can think of a million things.

"This is all your fault you know?" She continues to laugh and giggle, I know I'm funny, but I'm not THAT funny.

"Niyah who are you with right now?" She shuffled around, "no one" I hear another voice asking what she'd like from maccies, "you're with Jude? For fucks sake"

"That's a bit mean" he responds, "shush Victor" I pick up my phone, "I'm on my way to Jadons now so I'll message you in a bit"

"Try to keep it Pg when you're there" I roll my eyes and end the call. I leave the house, grabbing my keys and bag and putting my coat on.

Jadons address is 5 minutes if not less from my house,so I may aswell just walk, it'll be fine because I'm not staying for long anyway.

I knock on the door to a massive house, a gate at the entrance, large trees either side leading to the driveway. The last time I went to his house was when I was 12 because my mum asked me to deliver jollof rice, it's completely different now.

We all used to live in tiny, cramped flats and everyone knew everyone because of how small the area was. No one would think you'd get far coming out of a place like that, somehow Jadon has.

The doors open and Jadon stares me down, "are you okay?" He snaps out of his daze and we stand awkwardly infront of echother, "so are you letting me in or shall I just keep standing outside?"

He moves out of my way and I step into his house, taking off my shoes and following him upstairs. "There's drinks if you want any?"

I shake my head, the quicker I leave her and I'm done with it the better. We step into his room, it's fairly big. He has led lights all around, slow music playing from a small speaker and a mirror on the back of the door.

I set my phone up landscape, leaning it against some books on his windowsill.

I move onto his bed, sitting in the middle next to him. "So what are we meant to say?" I shrug my shoulders, "maybe introduce ourselves?"

"Hey siri, record video"

"Tortilla having a scrap?"
"I don't think I understand"

Jadon begins to snicker as I smile, laughing slightly and moving closer to my phone and starting the video. "Hi I'm Marsaii Adams and this is day 1 of our daily vlog challenge"

"Yo I'm Jadon Sancho and this is day one of our daily vlog challenge" he smiles at me while he speaks. "Do you think that's all we're meant to do?"

He shrugs his shoulders and I move off the bed and pick my phone up. "Are you hungry by any chance? There's indomie downstairs?"

I check the time, it's not too late so I guess I can stay, its just noodles, who says no to that. I nod my head and we walk downstairs to his kitchen. It's mostly white and marbel with an island in the centre and chairs on one side of it.

"This is a nice kitchen" he turns to look at me while grabbing a pot, "yea thanks" I smile at him as he switches on the stove and places them pot to boil.

He leans over the island towards me, I sit in aswell. I notice how eyes switching between mine and my lips.

1st day and he wants a kiss, already?

My phone starts to ring, which causes me to jump and pick it up, leaving the kitchen. "Marsaii how's it going with Jadon?" Aniyahs voice sounds like she's trying to make fun of me. Mostly because she is.

"It's fine okay? I'll be home in 5 minutes okay? Bye" I end the call and walk back to the kitchen, I clear my throat "so I uhm have to go"

"How are you getting home?" He asks, "I'm walking, it's only like 5 minutes." He switches off the stove, putting a lid over the pot and walks out of the kitchen.

I walk over and out my shoes on and he comes back with his coat on, "I'll walk you" I don't want him to walk me, it's already bad enough that he's had the thought of kissing me and now he's prolonging our time together?

"You don't hav-" he opens the door, walking out and waiting for me to follow at the end of the steps, I roll my eyes and walk out.

We walk in silence as one car occasionally drives past us and nothing but the sound of birds can be heard. "Yo Marsaii I have a question"

I take a sigh and roll my eyes, "go on" he clears his throat slightly, "why don't you like me? We used to be close and then year 9 you just never spoke to me"

"Because you tried to kiss me Jadon, I said no and you spread a whole lot of shit about me" he shook his head, "No I didn't" is he trying to act clueless or something? What does he mean 'No I didn't''

I start to laugh which makes him turn to look at me, "well can we start over then? I'm Jadon and I'm 19" he places his hand out for me to shake, "hi I'm Marsaii and I'm 19"

He unexpectedly pulls me into a hug,

"Nice to meet you Marsaii"

>Authors note
>I have a plan to make this longer than the last 1
>so everything is gna be very slow burn
>I'm thinking of 30 chapters?
>opinions in the comments
>I love you all🫶🏽

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