3, Close Friends

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Marsaii POV,

1 week later
📍Jude's house

"Why have you dragged me here?" I grunt as Aniyah pulls me into the entrance of Jude's house. "You literally never come here and we had an idea to film the vlog all together"

I roll my eyes as we step into the room where Jude is, his house is massive. Like Jadons, which is slightly weird to me. Am I saying that because I want the house? Yes probably.

"Hey Jude" Aniyah moves over to him, pulling him into a hug and giving him a kiss after. I pull a disgusted face and sit across the chair from them, "Marsaii atleast say hi"

I wave at Jude and silently sit watching tv, I hear the door open and suddenly see Jadon walk in out of breath, "sorry I'm late"

Jude stands up, whispering something to him and walking back to Aniyah. Jadon looks around the room, locking eyes with me and smiling, "yo Marsaii"

He sits next to me, looking over at Jude and Aniyah. "What have you been up to recently" I notice him look back over at Jude who's nodding in agreement to something.

"Basically nothing, we do see eachother like everyday so that's all come out for" that sounds sad but I spend most of my time studying for exams and I've got no extra time for anything else other than this extra assignment.

I purse my lips and turn back to the tv, he clears his throat, "uhm so what are you doing tonight?" I turn back to look at him, "probably sleeping if not studying"

I notice him nod and look back over at Jude who's now shaking his head but stops as soon as he realises I'm staring at him aswell, "oh uhm that sounds fun"

Jadon stands up and walks out of the room, Jude following after him. Aniyah walks over and sits down next to me, "so how did it go? Did you say yes?"

"Yes to what?" She face palms and shakes her head, "what have you and Jadon been talking about?" Basic normal stuff? "He just asked what I've been up to and what I'm doing tonight"

"Well what did you say?" I shrug my shoulders, "I said tonight I'd probably sleep or study and I've been up to nothing but this assignment"

"Obviously he's trying to ask you on a date" she smacks my forehead, "but I don't want to go on a date" she smacks my head again, "yes you will go, give the boy a chance"

"I'm busy" she smacks my forehead again, "give him a chance or I'm making you walk home" I roll my eyes as she moves back to her seat, Jude and Jadon sit back in their seats.

"We should record the video right?" I say outloud so we all move closer to eachother and I switch on my phone, starting the recording.

"Hey I'm Marsaii Adams and this is 7 days of our daily vlog" I watch as everyone introduces themselves to the camera and adds something after. I grab my phone and send the video to Aniyah.

"Yo Marsaii can I get your number or something?", "just so you can send me the video and stuff" I hesitantly nod my head as he hands his phone to me and I type it in.

"Yea thanks" I purse my lips and nod as I turn my head back to the tv. Jude loudly clears his throat and Jadon turns his head and mouths words to him.

"Guys I think I'm gonna go, nice seeing you tho , I'll call you later Aniyah" I pick my bag up and head for the door, as I put on my shoes I hear footsteps behind me.

I look up and Jadons awkwardly standing infront of me, "Would you want to go out with me tonight?" He looks down at the floor.

"Like a date?" I ask, obviously like a date, let me have my fun with this.

"Yea, well no but if you want it to be?" I laugh slightly as he stutters on his words, "pick me up at 8 and try not to be late"

He nods his head and smiles,

"See you at 8"

>Authors note
>I cba to proof read so ignore the mistakes
>opinions in the comments
>I don't have enough time to give you long chapters 😔
>I'll update when I can
>vote and follow pleasee!
>love you all so much🫶🏽🫶🏽

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