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Marsaii POV,

📍Hampton Inn

I feel my phone vibrate in my bag, "is that your little boyfriend?" I ignore Jadon and take my phone out of my bag, I have a message from Jude.


*5 pictures and 6 videos*
*one audio recording*
I doubt Oakley knows abt this tho

I open his images and videos, watching them closely. Oakley and Aniyah? My bestfriend, basically like my sister.


What the fuck

I stare at my phone, my eyes blurring with tears. I look up at the people on the table, they're all staring at me. "I'll do it" Jadon chokes slightly as I wipe the small tear going down my cheek.

I force out a smile as I take the hotel key, dragging Jadon along by his arm with me.

"Woah I know we're meant to be dating but I don't think your boyfriends gonna like this" I roll my eyes as we move down the corridor.

We arrive at the door of the room, "Marsaii what are you doing" I open the door, ignoring him. We step into the room and I shut it behind me, I take my shoes off. Placing myself on the edge of the bed, Jadon sits next to me.

"I'm guessing Jude's told you then?" I nod my head, "you knew?" He shrugs his shoulders, "I found out earlier today but I thought I'd let you find out from someone other than me"

I roll my eyes, "I don't know how I feel right now" tears begin to form in my eyes, Jadon wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer as I cry into his chest.

"You don't need to feel anything right now" I pull him closer for a hug, moving myself on his lap. I pull out from the hug, the two of us staring into eachothers eyes.

Jadons eyes pace between my lips and eyes, I stand up, scoffing awkwardly. I stand in the middle of the room and he walks over to me, I looks up at him.

"He doesn't deserve you" I smile with the tears drying on my cheeks, "you know someone who does?" He smiles, "I know a guy yeah" I smile as I stare back at him.

His hand cups my face, slowly pulling me in closer to him. I move in, our lips getting closer. I feel his other hand move down my dress as our lips passionately caress eachother.

We're in sync with eachother, both wanting the same thing, both needing the same thing.

I feel like it's only us right now, everyone else has gone silent.

He lifts me up while kissing my lips deeply, I land on the bed as he moves ontop of me, kissing my neck, "make me forget him" I stare at him and he smirks.

He moves his head down to my ear, "don't worry, you will" he kisses my lips again as we both touch and feel each other. I smile as we turn under the covers.

1st Place| Jadon Sancho Where stories live. Discover now