9, petty

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Marsaii Pov,

📍Hotel in Dortmund

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You're fine ash icl


You still w the footballer?

Does a certain rapper have a crush or something? 👀

Can this certain rapper take you on a date?

Yea I guess he can
When I get back to England

Can they have your number too?

I guess he can

I throw my phone across my bed, what the hell am I doing? I mean it's not like me and Jadon were that serious were we? Well we kind of were but obviously not serious enough for him to just move on in the same day.

Before you call me a hypocrite, I'm only starting this Centralcee thingy because of what Jadons done, am I being petty?

Sure I didn't say I loved Jadon back, because I don't? Like what if I said I did love him and then a month or years later I find out he has a wife and kids? Or what if I say I love him and I find out he's like a drug addict? What if I say I love him and then when I try to break up with him he tries to kidnap me and breaks into my home? A lot can change in a small amount of time.

A month is too early to know if I love someone, right?

Yea, right.

Me and him aren't even together right now so there's no issue if there even is anything going on with me and Jadon, which there isn't.

We're finished.

I put my phone down on the dresser next to me, almost getting into my bed sheets. My phone starts to ring, it's almost midnight, not even Aniyah calls me this late.

I pick my phone up,


Whys he calling?

Should I answer? Maybe it's important?

I answer the call waiting for a response on his end of the phone, "Marsaii can you open the door?", "open what door Jadon?"

"I've been knocking for I don't know how long" I roll my eyes, "Are you drunk or something? I'll call you a taxi, what club are you at?"

He chuckles on the other side of the phone, I hear a loud knock at the door, "open the door please" I'm praying he's not actually here, I'll die if he is.

I climb out of bed, my phone still to my ear, I begin to unlock the door and open it slowly. Jadons standing in front of me with nothing but flowers in his hands.

"Why are you here? We're over Jadon" he scratches the back of his head, "I've been with the same girl everyday for a month, I fell inlove a bit too quickly but I can't give us up that easy"

"What about the picture you posted?" He pulls out his phone showing me a screenshot, "Pinterest is actually really cool" I roll my eyes, "Jadon I don't have the effort for this"

"Can I atleast sleep here for tonight? I can't be arsed to go back down and drive" I move to one side of my door, allowing him into my hotel room, "thank you Marsaii"

I go back to my bed, tucking myself into my duvet, I feel one side of the bed sink and my covers slightly tugged away from me,

"Jadon get out of my bed, there's a chair where the tv is and blankets and pillows on it" he lets out a deep sigh, "listen I know you might not manage to keep yourself away from me, but we've slept in a bed together before"

I tug at the duvet to fully cover myself and switch of the light,

"Goodnight Marsaii"

"Night Jadon"

>Authors note
>slow updates again🤷🏽
>spot my reference to forever fate😭
>short chapter 🙊
>vote and follow please
>love you all🫶🏽🫶🏽

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