27,whatevers left

228 9 28

Jadon POV,

📍 Signal Iduna Park
(Bvb stadium)

"Yo bro what happened?" I stand up and walk towards Jude who's at the entry of the tunnel. "What makes you think something happened?"

"I just saw Marsaii walk out of the stadium basically crying her eyes out, I thought you man were fine?" I shrug my shoulders,she cried? That's just making this feel even worse and it's not even been an hour,  "my performance has been bad, coach said he'd have to kick me off the team if I didn't improve"

"So we're going on a 'break' until I can get my act together" Jude scratches his head, "I'm sorry bro" I purse my lips, "sorry doesn't change anything"

When I get home I throw my bag on the floor and walk upstairs, all I want to do is see Marsaii's face right now, I want another kiss, another hug. Another argument. I just want her.

I guess it's my fault we're on this 'break' I'm angry in a way and I blamed her for it and I don't even know why. I regret every last second of it but there's not much I can do is there?

I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, with nothing but an empty space next to me. The door opens and Marsaii walks inside, "Jay I don't want a break, I want you back"

I smile, "I'm sorry about everything, you're important in every way possible I swear" she grins back at me, "it's okay, I missed you so much"

"I missed you too babe"

She walks over to me, delicately putting her hand on my cheek and pressing her lips against mine. Our tongues move in sync together while she slowly moves ontop of me. I take her jacket off while keeping my lips locked with hers.

Her hand moves under my shirt and along my abs before she breaks the kiss and whispers in my ear, "wake up mate" her voice is a deep brum accent.


Her voice is a deep brum accent.

I open my eyes and see Jude staring at my face closely, I push him away and roll my eyes. "Why the fuck are you here bro?" He furrows his eyebrows, "I brought you food because I was trying to be nice, but since you don't want it I'll go find someone who does"

"Okay fine I'm sorry" he smiles and walks outside the door. I follow him downstairs and see my whole dining room table filled with domino's pizza boxes.

"There's no way we're finishing this" Jude laughs, "I paid way too much for us not to."

"We will finish it Jadon." He says in a serious voice, "let's eat!"

Marsaii POV,

I lay in my bed, cuddled with my pillow. I check the time on my phone. 8:50pm. Most of my clothes are at Jadons so I'll have no pyjamas unless I go to his house right now. Shit.

I may aswell just go, right? Not because I want to see him, only because I need my clothes.

I walk out of my apartment and get in my car, I switch on the radio, all I want by Olivia Rodrigo is playing and I roll my eyes, switching to the next song.

I park my car infront of his house, the time is 23:40pm so I'm guessing he'd be asleep?

I step out of the car and walk up to his front door, taking my key out and unlocking it. I step into a dark house and switch on his kitchen light. There's a bunch of empty pizza boxes, apart from one which has a note on it.

'I hope you didn't forget to eat again, if you did, I saved this for you' I smile abit and move the note and open the box, there's 3 slices of Texas bbq pizza, which is my favourite type of pizza.

Which means some part of him hoped I'd come , I smile even harder than before and grab the slices, putting them inside the microwave.

"So you're just gonna break into my home and steal my pizza?" I turn around and see Jadon in a white vest and some black shorts, my eyes slightly wide, "like the view?" I roll my eyes, giving him a small smile . "You're the one that put the note there so you obviously wanted me to have it" he purses his lips and nods, "yeah I did want you here"

I turn around and smile, weve been on this break for a day, if not less. This isn't gonna end well.

The microwave beeps and I pull out the plate of pizza, setting it in the middle of us, "so" I look up at him, "so.."

We silently take a bite out of each of our pizzas, looking at eachother back and forth.

"I'm gonna go get my stuff, they're still in your room right?" He nods and I walk upstairs, him following behind me, we step into his room and I bend down to his chest of drawers, opening one of them and taking out a few clothes, he leans down next to me and starts taking them out aswell.

We both reach for the same black zip up hoodie and I look up at him, his eyes already staring at me. Our faces are inches away from eachother, he moves in and his lips brush mine closely.

My eyes close and our lips lock once again, he lifts me up, my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms crossed behind his head. He breaks the kiss and looks at me for a minute, "Marsaii I-"

I push my lips back in sync with his and we land on his bed, he's ontop of me, his lips caressing my neck and his hands running up my thighs. I run my fingertips up his abs and take his shirt off, smiling at him as he looks at me.

"You sure you wanna do this?" I roll my eyes, "don't make me change my mind Sancho"

I bite my lips he slowly moves down my body, his body getting closer to mine.


Authors note
>that's the closest to smut I'm giving you lot
>opinons in the comments 😛
>vote and follow please!!
>only 3 chapters left💔
>sorry for the messy chapter
>I love you all🫶🏽

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