Chapter 26

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I walked back inside as she walked away. It killed me to do that to her. I stomped up to my room and lay down on the bed. I pulled a pillow over my face and screamed out all my frustration.

I loved her. And I let her go.

I ran a hand through my hair and sat up. I zipped up my suitcase I already finished packing and through it on the side of my bed. I pulled the covers over me and fell asleep letting the tears fall, which I tried so hard not to do in front of her.

I woke up to the sound I my beeping alarm clock. I hit snooze and stood up. I got dressed and dragged my suitcase downstairs. The boys say in the living room, dressed and packed.

"Hey." I said with my croaky voice, soar from screaming last night.

"Hi lad." Louis said coming up to me and taking my suitcase to put in the limo.

"Did you tell Claire?" Harry asked me. I nodded.

"We broke up." I sighed. I could tell by the bags under Harry's eyes, and his weak stance, he broke up with Brittany too.

"Same here." sighed Liam. I couldn't tell if he was genuine of not.

Zayn sat back as we all were upset. He's lucky he doesn't have someone to let go of. Breaking the heart of someone who means the world to you is the most painful experience ever. Louis came back and noticed we were upset.

"Don't worry lads." he said even though we could tell he was upset about leaving Hallie, even though it was never official. We all climbed into the limo and I started listening to music. I closed my eyes trying to rest but I just couldn't sleep.


Brittnay, Hallie, Tori, and I were all watching the Titanic while eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I let out a sob as I buried my head in Tori's shirt. Tori didn't seem as upset as the rest of us. Brittany and I were the worst.

"FML!" Brittany screamed.

I cuddled into the blankets and let all my tears flow.

No matter how hard this was, I had to move on, because he isn't coming back.

* 1 month later *

I walked out of school and waved bye to Sharon while Brittany, Hallie, and I walked back to our apartment. It's been a month since Niall left and I still miss him... A lot, but I have gotten much better. Victoria went back home to visit her family. Shes been there for a week so far.

"Bye Claire!" William called out as he walked towards his apartment.

"bye!" I called out waving. William and I went back to normal after the kiss. He still likes me but I've explained that I dont want to feel like I'm going behind Nialls back, even though we broke up.

He understands the breakup was hard, so we're just friends, and that's working out great!

My life is slowly turning back to the way it was before Niall was here. I just have to force myself to forget.


We finished the concert and I ran backstage. I missed Claire... A lot, but I had to move on with my life. I just can't wait till we get back to London and I can finally see Claire again.

I walked into my dressing room. This gig was very nice so all of us boys got seperate rooms.

Suddenly I got a text from Simon.

Management is about to call you. Do what they say, they aren't in the best mood.

My eyes widened. If management wasn't in a good mood then something bad was about to happen. Suddenly my phone buzzed on the table. I picked it up an placed it to my ear.

"Hello." I said in a scared voice.

"Hello Niall." said one of the men in management.

"One Direction isn't making as much money as they were at the beginning of the tour. Therefor we need publicity. We have assigned a model to pretend to be your girlfriend for a few months. You will treat her as your girlfriend. That is all." he explained. My eyes widened.

"Wait that's not fair!" I shouted in anger, but they already hung up.

I was getting a new girlfriend.

What would Claire think?


I got home and flipped on the TV while Brittany practiced her piano assignment for this week. Hallie say beside me and we flipped it to MTV.

"The Irish hottie known as Niall from one direction has recently scored himself a new girlfriend." the Barbie faced girl announced in a squeaky voice. Hallie quickly flipped off the TV while Brittany ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Don't cry." she begged.

I cant believe it! I rejected a wonderful guy because I didn't want to feel like I was going behind Nialls back, when he went behind my back and got a girlfriend! I stood up and stormed out of the apartment and to the place I always go. The music room.

I sat beside the piano and stared playing a random piece.

William walked in from the art room because he was doing a project with the other Sophomores.

"Hey." he said not surprised to see me because I come here a lot.

"Hi." I said moving over so he could sit by me.

"You ok?" he asked seeing my upset expression. But I didn't answer.

I kissed him.

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