Last Day Of Camp

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A/n Okay. this chapter took so long because I hated the first draft but then on a very special two in the morning surge of motivation, I fixed it.
Enjoy >:)


The alarms continued to blare as me and Bowser ran down the steps to re group with the others, Ben and Bumpy failing to keep up.

"Attention. All park-goers must report to the South Ferry Dock for immediate evacuation. Last ferry departs in two hours." a male voice said on the speakers

"That's it? No explanations? That's all we get?" Brooklynn said as Darius and Kenji hopped over a railing to us

"We have to move. The only way we're gonna make it is if we run." Darius said

"Um... are you sure that's the best way to get there?" Sammy asked as Yasmina struggled to even walk

"I'm fine! I've competed with a torn ACL, you should be way more worried about Ben and Bumpy" Yasmina said as Ben finally caught up to us

"What we should all be worried about is catching a boat out of here and, naturally, we have a problem. We're here. The docks are on the southern tip of the island. Even if we ran at peak Yaz speed, there's no way we'd make the last boat out." Ben said pointing at the map.

"You don't know that!" Sammy said

"Yes, I do. I memorized the evacuation plan on the ferry ride over."

Of course he did. Of course Ben took his time to remember such things.

"Okay, so we need another way. Um... Can we use those somehow? Or send someone to tell the ferry people to wait? Or..." Darius said trying to think up of something

"Or make a few jetpacks real quick? Oh! We should befriend a unicorn! Face it. It's hopeless."

"Brooklynn, not to be mean but you are definitely not being helpful" I said

"We will be arriving at Main Street-- your destination for fine dining nd shopping at Jurassic World. Followed by stops at the Jurassic World Lagoon and the South Ferry Dock." an automated voice said

we ran over to where it was coming from and a monorail came by

"Monorail what-what!" Kenji celebrated

"Hm, nicely played universe" Brooklynn said

Honestly how could the timing be more perfect?

"Hurry!" Darius said and started running

I made sure Bowser was following and the rest of us started running as well

I saw Ben and Yasmina were still on the stairs with Bumpy waiting

"you guys! try and pick up some speed or I'm carrying one of you!" I said and Yasmina ran past Ben.

"I'm coming! you do not need to carry me!" Ben said and he started running past me

I continues to run towards the stairs leading to the monorail not noticing that Bowser stopped until we made it past the wall and saw Toro.

We ran back to the wall sitting against it as Darius ran up to us but Brooklynn stopped him and he crouched down with us.

He looked over to see why we were stopping and he also saw Toro and quickly hid again.

"Move" Darius whispered. He ran over to the stairs and motioned for us to come over but only Sammy, Kenji and Brooklynn started to run over but retreated before Toro saw them.

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