End Of The Line

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A/n Hey sorry I disappeared schools a bitch, but I'm finally back again to write this chapter! Before we begin... @Cheyennewilcox7thank you for the votes, it made my day :D

Also question, what in the actual fuck were the others doing when Ben was falling? So, I made it reasonable why nobody came to help. I would love to know why though.

Now on with the story

Enjoy :)

Darius POV

The Pteranodon grabbed Ben by the waist trying to escape with him but me and Y/n grabbed him as the Pteranodon continued to pull him. The dinosaur gave up and let go of ben making me and Y/n fall, but we still held on to Ben.

We pulled him up, but he was only able to barely climb in before the same Pteranodon came back and placed its feet on my chest trying to bite me. I looked behind the Pteranodon doing my best to keep it away from my face and I saw Y/n was struggling to hold onto Ben.

Kenji repeatedly hit the dinosaur with a flashlight, and it finally got off of me and flew away, those claws definitely left a mark. I got up and was about to grab Bens other hand to pull him up, but he slipped from Y/ns grasp I sat there in shock and when I looked over to Y/ns who still had her hand out there was blood running down her fingers. She covered her hand up with her sleeve and we just watched the jungle go by. I wanted to ask if she was okay but then I noticed.

"We're going back" I mumbled to myself that at least Y/n heard it.

"What?" Y/n asked

"The monorail is going back!" I said louder this time as the monorail turned tossing us to the side.

"What do you mean "going back"?" Brooklynn questioned.

"When we switched tracks, we ended up on one heading north" I quickly tried to explain the situation while coming up with a solution.

I ran up to the main control panel at the front to try and find a way to turn this monorail around.

"We're not going to the south docks were going away from them!" I said messing with the controls and they did nothing.

the frustration set in and I slammed my fists onto the panel.

"Doesn't anything here work?! We got to get off this monorail now!"

Bowser ran over to me and nudged his head on my leg slightly pushing me

"Oh! T-The track dips down ahead we can jump there!" Brooklynn said


"Jump?" Kenji and Sammy asked

"We can't it's too far to jump!" Yasmina argued as Kenji held Bumpy close

"Its the only way!" I said walking over to the others with Bowser angrily groaning at me

I saw Y/n was leaning against a seat with Bens fanny pack in her hand and she looked passed out

"Y/n? come one we gotta get off the train" I said helping her up. she slightly nodded and it looked like she hit her head wound on something,

"Well get to the docs and there will for sure be a doctor for you, just stay with us, okay?" I said wrapping her arm around my shoulders


Y/n clicked the fanny pack around her waist as Yasmina carried Bowser and Kenji carrying Bumpy.

"Two... Three. Now!" I said finishing the count down and we all jumped out of the monorail.

We rolled down a hill and I held Y/n close breaking her fall as we rolled down, my back hit a tree and Y/n let out a pained groan as Brooklynn rammed into us.

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