Hidden Adventure

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Enjoy :)


The sun felt blinding through my eyelids, my shirt sticking to my back from sweat and something jabbing me in the elbow. and a stinging pain from my eyebrow to below my eye. what a way to wake up.

I opened my eyes, grunting in pain, and everything looked blurred and smudged as I gained consciousness. I painfully sat up and looked at what was jabbing me in the arm. my tooth necklace, i quickly grabbed it and put it back on before looking around to see where I was. I touched the area where my face was in pain, and looking at my fingers, there was blood.

There was an empty bag of chips, sunglasses, just random pieces of trash, and I was definitely in a ditch of some sort. Filled with rocks. I sniffed one, just to check, and it smelt awful. the stench making me cough a bit.

Something flashed in the corner of my eye, and it turned out to be a dirty camcorder.

As I picked it up, I heard a snarl behind me. I looked back, and it was a monolophosaurus, a hungry one. before it could lunge at me, something made a clicking sound and grabbed the thing by its tail.

It let out one final whine before a wet crunch sound. This was probably the only chance I could get to run, so I did exactly that.

I looked back, definitely not paying attention to what was in front of me when I heard the mystery dino roar. resulting in me falling, I quickly grabbed a vine and tried to climb down as fast as I could as the vine slowly snapped. But I wasn't quick enough, and I went hurling for the ground, dropping the camera as well.

I landed right on to my ribs and hugged myself in pain. I slowly sat up shakily breathing, and a twig snapped behind me.

I gasped in shock, still trying to catch my breath after it was knocked out of me from that fall.

"Dude, that did not sound good. Are you okay?" Kenji said and reached a handout for me to grab, looking worried. Brooklynn and Ben came over to us as well.

"Guys, we found Darius! He's over -"

"Ben! Don't. something is up there."

"Oh, thank goodness! You're alive!" Sammy said and came running over with Yaz and Y/n behind her.

"Sammy! Shut it!" I said harsher than I should have. if she was close enough, I would have covered her mouth.

"Why -" the mystery dinosaur that took out the monolophosaurus earlier let out a metallic sounding roar, and we all flinched at the sudden noise.

"Do I even ask?" Yasmina finished her sentence, and we all ran. I went back quickly for the camcorder I dropped earlier on my fall.


We found Darius after an entire morning of searching. Yesterday we went on a food hunt before the storm. Darius was still out, so we went to bed thinking and hoping he's found a cave to hide in or somewhere.

But then this morning, we all got up and searched at least a mile away from camp. Absolutely nowhere to be found. So, we got worried and spent the entirety of our morning on a search for the youngest yet smartest of us all. On an empty stomach, too.

"Look at how busted this place is!" Kenji said as we walked past a fallen tree, its stump slanted, and I kicked away a tree branch.

"We were so worried about you. you said you'd be right back, and then you just disappeared." Brooklynn said as we walked, and I kept kicking away sticks.

"But you picked up a souvenir. Nice." Yaz said.

"I found it in the nest -"

"Woah, woah, woah, WOAH. Care to share with the class how you ended up in a nest? A nest probably three miles away from camp?" I interrupted, and we all turned to look at Darius.

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