The Art of Chill

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A/n AND GUESS WHOS BACK!! it's been hard to gain the motivation to write this because I have been deep in tales of arcadia, it's so good. Also this is like 80% edited but I cant fully go through it because I'm lazy and computer is back at home.
(Did I mention I'm currently on vacation?)



We all waited for Darius to come down from the tree and I just sat next to Kenji as he threw rocks next to Yasmina. After a bit of this Yasmina caught one and threw it back, almost hitting me in the face but I caught it.

"Jeez it was him not me!" I said and tossed the rock to the side Yasmina rolled her eyes as Darius came down from the tree.

"Good news?" Sammy asked as she and Brooklynn came over to Darius.

"The pterandodons are nesting on the eastern mountains, so that's out." Darius said and Sammy groaned pulling the map out of her bag.

"Ugh! Bad news."

"So, we can't stay on Main Street because dinosaurs. Y/ns parents cabin is out because dinosaurs. The mountains, grasslands and jungle are out because dinosaurs!" Brooklynn said

"And Kenji's penthouse is out because he's bad at math." Yasmina said

"I didn't think dad was serious about changing the locks if I failed algebra, I even got help from Y/n! That is not my fault" Kenji said putting his hands up

"That's actually completely your fault"

"Okayn well, whatever. The whole island is full of dinosaurs. We're cooked!" Kenji said

"We can't give up yet! we set off the emergency beacon. we just need to find somewhere safe to hole up until rescue arrives" Sammy said

"Where? it's been days! we're out of options" Yasmina complained

"Actually there's one place we haven't tried, but I'm not sure your gonna like it." Darius said grabbing all our attention

+×Lots of walking later×+

Darius POV

Never thought we would be back here, like ever. but here we are. Camp Cretaceous.

"Are you serious? didn't we specifically run away from here?" Kenji asked and I felt an arm wrap around me, Y/ns arm

"Haha Darius, very funny. now how about you just say sike and keep going to where you actually suggested." Y/n said and kept walking

"Just hear me out! There's a stream for fresh water, we've got trees and mountains to protect us from the worst of weather and dinosaur attacks!" I explained and Brooklynn cleared her throat.

"Okay, not all dinosaur attacks. but if you were coming to save a bunch of campers, wouldn't camp be the first place you looked?" I said it looks like I definitely grabbed Y/ns attention as she turned around on her heel and came back

"And we've even got supplies to build a shelter right here! there uh, broken supplies but we could do it. Right, Brooklynn? Y/n?"

"What?" Brooklynn and Y/n asked in sync

"I mean, you guys must have some building experience?" I asked

"Right, all you do is videos." Kenji said and Brooklynn scoffed
"Excuse me, I do lots of other things than videos. I have a whole life of other things! but, yes. I did help raise that barn for "Unboxing Amish Country". Just saying" Brooklynn admited and Y/n chuckled

"Well, what are we waiting for? let's clear that stuff!" Yasmina said and limped over to the pile of debris grunting

"Hey, Yaz? maybe it's best if you sat this one out?" Y/n said

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