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A/n I have no idea why I am so excited to write this chapter but I am! Sorry about the hold, I was on vacation in the mountains with my family, but you guys don't need a life update.
Also some bite size spoilers in that top image, sorry.
and the usual, I always miss some typos.

Enjoy :)


"Guys... we're not alone" Darius said and I felt my heartbeat speed up. This was real. Other people are here, which means there's a chance I will be able to see my family again! and my precious little Ian!

"It can't be. Is it?" Yaz said

"I'm seeing it too." Brooklynn said

"That is most def a bonfire." Kenji said and I smiled and grasped the wood harder in excitement at just the thought of leaving this horried place and all the memories with it.

"People. People!" Sammy said barely loud enough as she held Yasmina by the shoulders

"Someone got our SOS signal." Kenji said in disbelief.

"Let's go find them. Its time to go home!" When Darius said that I was already at the bottom of the slide dusting my pants off.

And with that we we're off. We all grabbed a weapon from the debris and I found a kitchen knife, a very dull and chipped one but a knife is a knife.

We all laughed and cheered as wr kept moving, taking turns tk climb trees to see how close we were or if we were still heading in the right direction, and let me tell you I have never climbed a tree so fast in my entire life!

"Come on, we're so close!" Darius said as he hopped over the fallen tree I dived under.

"Oh, it's real!"

"Guys, we're going home!" Brooklynn and Yaz cheered. We waited at the bottom as Darius climbed a tree, but he said nothing.

"Darius! You okay?" I called out for him but no response.

"Oh heck no, Kenji hold my knife." I said and almost handed him the broken kitchen knife but Darius hopped down from the tree looking sad.

"The bonfire, it's gone." Darius explained.

"What do you mean "gone"?" Yaz asked and Darius looked at her with sorrow.

"What if, they left?" Sammy said and panic slowly settled into me.

"What if the people who came to save us gave up and we missed our chance?" Sammy said and I balled my fist.

"No! No what ifs, they still have to walk all the way to the docks, maybe we can catch them there!" I said and Kenji looked at me shaking his head side to side with a frown and I held back sob. We all sat in silence before hearing a roar and we all went back to back, fight or flight kicking in and I held my knife in front of me with a shaky hand.

"C-Could be a really big Compy, right? Darius? didn't you say they were creepo skylarks?" Kenji whispered

"I said they were crepuscular" Darius whispered back before a red and gray ceratosaurus came out of the tree line roaring and we all scattered like rats, screaming and running. I dropped my knife and all I could do was look back as the ceratosaurus gained on us.

Kenji hit his head on a tree branch and Sammy tripped over him. I tried going back for him but Kenji got up on his own shoved me away from the dinosaur.

I backed away as the ceratosaurus almost lunged down onto Darius and Brooklynn but a fire work was shot and the dinosaur groaned.

I was pushed out of the way and behind a log by someone, their long nails jabbing me in the shoulder a bit. Definitely a woman or a very gay man.

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