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A/n Heyyy IM BACK! Finally, omg I despise school, this was so fun but took way too long to write.

Enjoy :)


When nothing happened, I looked up and it was a person, wearing a pointy tree bark mask and two dinosaurs on his left and right. I studied the two herbivores, and I recognized them, anyone could remember those uneven horns, and those odd colors.

Kenji backed away from the masked person as the stegosaurus let out a roar.
The stranger put a hand on the mask and lifted it and I gasped, my heart racing at the familiar face.


He chuckled and tossed the mask to the ground.
"What? Never seen a ghost before?" Ben said jokingly and smirked, making my breath catch in my throat. He looked... very different. Dare I say attractive.


JUNE 12TH, 10:34 PM, BEN POV

I panted from the adrenaline as the others chanted my name. Surviving a flock of Pteranodons as I climbed on top of a moving monorail, at night, to turn the very monorail and save my friends will definitely be the bravest thing I will ever do.

"You saved us Ben; it was a very dumb but brave thing to do" Y/n said and smiled as Bumpy came up to me. I kneeled down to pet her, and Bowser stayed glued to Y/ns side.

Just as I took a step forward the window on my left shattered and a Pteranodon grabbed me harshly by the waist. The relief washed away and was replaced with fear and terror, glass shards cut my arms and legs, but who could care. I was just abducted by a Pteranodon.

Darius grabbed me and we both struggled as the Pteranodon tried to take me away. The Pteranodon dropped me, and Y/n dashed next to him and grabbed my other arm, but they could only barely get me in before the Pteranodon circled back and came in and lunged at Darius, sending him backwards and leaving only Y/n to hold onto me.

She let out a grunt of pain and tears swelled in her eyes, and I couldn't see her palm but there was blood trickling down my wrist.

The blood made her hand a bit slippery, and I could see the struggle in her teary eyes. I knew exactly what it was, that cut on her hand wasn't fully healed.

"Ben! please don't let go! I'm not going to lose you now! We're almost there!" Y/n said, and I started crying too, tears getting wiped away because of how fast the train was going.

"Y-y/n! Y/n! Help!" I pleaded and she desperately tried to pull me up.

I continued to slip from her grasp, her blood smearing my palm and fingers.

It got to the point only our fingers were touching, and she almost dropped me, I let out a scream that came out more of a gasp as she grabbed me with both hands.

Y/n let out a pained grunt when she grabbed me, still bleeding.
But she looked relived yet tired as we both panted.

A Pteranodon grabbed me by the feet for a few moments making it harder for me hold onto Y/n, likewise for her. The Pteranodon yanked me away from her grip and let me go.

I screamed as I fell, everything in slow motion once again. I desperately reached my hands forward as if I could grab onto her again and save myself.

I was heading for the ground headfirst, and I shut my eyes ready for it but nothing happened.
I opened my eyes again and a Pteranodon was lifting me into the air before it tossed me, and I was grabbed by another one by the shoulders.

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