Chaos Theory

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A/n You'll know what the song is for later. Absolute banger. Just full of adrenaline for running don't you agree? alright I'll stop foreshadowing

Enjoy :)


"We still can't hear you! Just start hitting buttons!" Brooklynn said and I was already at it, going entirely off of memory to remember how my mom would do it.

Red button, lever, white and different red button at same time, hold white button.

I looked back up at the scream and Darius cupped his hands around his mouth, trying to tell us something.

I leaned over and pressed the speaker button

"Darius! We. can't hear. you. Give us a few seconds! We're trying our best!" I said and Darius looked a little upset.

"Guys what's Darius saying now?" Ben said quietly and we all looked at him on the screen.


"And I..." The words I was about to say hurt like a knife. "I already lost Ben."

"Darius, that's not your fault." Sammy responded softly

"It is! If I helped Y/n sooner he'd still be here!" I sighed, hopefully not having to entertain these painful memories any longer.

"Mitch said their boat is at the northwest dock. Get everyone together and get off the island now while Mitch and Tiff are busy" I explained

"What about you?" Sammy asked and I tried to walk away but she grabbed my arm.

"I have to make this right." I knew what I had to do, the sound of static crackling stopped my thoughts.

"We got your back, Darius! Forget the boat. Mitch and Tiff are going down!" Is this real? Did I hear Ben's voice just now?

"BEN?!" I shouted

"YOU'RE ALIVE?" Sammy shouted as well in shock. My heartbeat just spiked as a weight of grief lifted itself off my back.

"Ohhh right. You didn't know. Yeah. Also we found the speaker button so we can hear you. And I defeated Toro. Bumpy and Bowser say hi"

My jaw felt like it was on the floor as I tried to process this insane amount of information at the same time.

But Ben's okay, he's alive and well, and so is Bumpy and Bowser.

"I think I broke them" Ben said before Yasmina took over

"Yeah, Ben's alive. we're very happy about it"

"Point is we're not going to let you do this alone. We're in." Brooklynn said.

"You don't get it! You guys could get to the boat, save yourselves."

"DARIUS! You're giving me a migraine right now, we're not just gonna leave you! You're one of us" Y/n said her tone harsh but I got what she meant.

"And were not going to let Mitch and Tiff get away with killing dinosaurs" Brooklynn said.

"It's dino savin' time! Camp fam for life!" Sammy cheered and looked at me.


"Okay, now that we've established life long camp family status. How do we stop them?" Yaz asked.

"Feed both of them to the Mosasaurus!" Ben exclaimed and we all looked at him concerned.

"Pardon?" I said and he looked at me hopeful, but his child-like smile droppedm

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