chapter 19: Staying the Night at Robins

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As we were sitting talking I saw el was getting tired, I leaned over to her and whispered " are you getting tired love?" She nodded. I put my arm around her and she laid her head on my shoulder.

Robin looked at her and saw she was falling asleep. "Do you girls wanna stay the night?" We nodded I moved el a bit and stood so I could call Joyce or Hopper and ask "maxieee" El whined

"Yes love?" I asked her "don't gooo" at this point she was mumbling half asleep. "Finee" I reply. I go back over to her and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my wait and lays her head on ny shoulder I walk to the phone and dial hopper and Joyce's number "hello?" I heard Joyce's voice "may me and El stay the night with Robin?" I asked "Of course just be back tomorrow evening" she replies "ok thanks" I reply "Where's el?"she asks "in my arms asleep" I say giggling "awe okay, well bye Max." "bye Joyce." I reply as I hang up.

I wrap my arm around els waist but accidentally put my hand a bit too low. El looks up "maxie" she says "yes love?" I ask "what are you doing?" She asks "nothing" I say. She leans in and kisses me. I pull away after a few seconds "we have to calm down in the kissing love" I say giggling.

We go back to Robins room and I lay her on the bed then I lay next to her. "So love birds" Robin says "shut up rob. We're tireddddd" I say. "Ok ok" Robin giggles. I lay over on my side and hold el and we fall asleep.


In the morning I woke up and Max was holding me. I slithered away and saw Robin wasn't in the room. I wiped my eyes and went to the kitchen to grab food. I already knew I could get something so I grabbed am apple and went into the living room and saw Steve "hi Steve" I said "hey kiddo" Steve replied "Where's Robin?" I asked, he responded"she had something she needed to do really quick." "Ok" I said.

I went back to Robins room and sat on the bed. I found a book and grabbed it and opened it to read it. Max woke up "goodmorning baby" I said with a smile "goodmorning" she said rolling over. "How'd you sleep gorgeous? She asked "good how about you?" I replied "good." She replied.

We just sat there on Robins bed talking waiting for Robin to get back from whatever she had to do. We hoped Robin would get back before we had to leave but we couldn't control it so we just sat there talking.

471 words!

A/N: I couldn't really think of anything to write. I might make another chapter tonight because I wrote better at night when I'm half asleep than I do when I'm fully awake.

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