Chapter Fifteen

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It felt move through the veil using only Grian's consciousness. It was disorientating until he landed in someone. His vision cleared and the sounds surrounding him became clearer. He glanced around, making sure he was alone first, before sighing when in the clear.

Okay, I should be able to find the girl...safely....hopefully, he thought continuing walking down a hall his host was already doing so. He looked down seeing there was a book in his hand but had to fight the urge to read it while in the hall. He just gripped it at his side and kept walking. Until someone called out to him.

"ᓭ𝙹∷∷|| ⎓𝙹∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ∴ᔑ╎ℸ ̣. !¡∷𝙹⎓ᒷᓭᓭ𝙹∷ ⍑ᔑ↸ ᒲᒷ ᓵꖎᒷᔑリ ⚍!¡ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓵꖎᔑᓭᓭ. ∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ↸𝙹╎リ⊣ ↸⚍∷╎リ⊣ ⎓∷ᒷᒷ ℸ ̣ ╎ᒲᒷ?"

He stopped and turned to them, tilting his head a bit before answering, "ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⚍ᓭ⚍ᔑꖎ. ⊣𝙹╎リ⊣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ↸𝙹 ᒷ ̇/ℸ ̣ ∷ᔑ ᓭℸ ̣ ⚍↸╎ᒷᓭ," flatly, lifting the book gently before letting it hang at his side again.

"||𝙹⚍ ᔑꖎ∴ᔑ||ᓭ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ ||𝙹⚍∷ リ𝙹ᓭᒷ ╎リ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ʖ𝙹𝙹ꖌ. ||𝙹⚍'∷ᒷ ᔑꖎ∷ᒷᔑ↸|| ᔑᓵ╎リ⊣ ||𝙹⚍∷ ᓭᓵ∷||╎リ⊣ ꖎᒷᓭᓭ𝙹リᓭ, ᓭ𝙹 ∴⍑|| ꖌᒷᒷ!¡ ᓭℸ ̣ ⚍↸||╎リ⊣ ╎ℸ ̣ ?" The watcher asked with a soft chuckle. Grian only shrugged thinking, so they like this book a lot. Scrying isn't easy...

"ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ᔑ╎ᒲ╎リ⊣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ∷ᒷ!¡ꖎᔑᓵᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ 'ꖎᒷ⊣ᒷリ↸ᔑ∷||' ᓭℸ ̣ ⚍↸ᒷリℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ∴ᒷリℸ ̣ ᒲ╎ᓭᓭ╎リ⊣ ||ᒷᔑ∷ᓭ ᔑ⊣𝙹?"

That intrigued Grian, though he kept a straight face. Missing? Is that what they told this year's students? Or do only a select few know the truth? "リ𝙹. ╎ ⋮⚍ᓭℸ ̣ ᒷリ⋮𝙹|| ᓭᓵ∷||╎リ⊣." He shook his head and they continued walking to the garden where the watcher he was inhabiting and the other seemed to go usually.

All the while, Grian was keeping a feeling out for the watcher he needed to talk to. As they sat down, the other watcher looked at him curiously. "⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ⎓𝙹⚍リ↸ ᔑリ||ᒲ𝙹∷ᒷ ╎リ⎓𝙹∷ᒲᔑℸ ̣ ╎𝙹リ ᔑʖ𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣..." He started before leaning closer and whispering, "̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ?"

Why is he asking? Doesn't he know the professors don't like gossiping about students who 'went missing'? Grian thought before looking at him, "||𝙹⚍ ꖌリ𝙹∴ ⍑𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ !¡∷𝙹⎓ᒷᓭᓭ𝙹∷ᓭ ⎓ᒷᒷꖎ ᔑʖ𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᔑꖎꖌ╎リ⊣ ᔑʖ𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ╎ℸ ̣. ||𝙹⚍ ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣ ꖌリ𝙹∴ ∴⍑𝙹ᓭ ∴ᔑℸ ̣ ᓵ⍑╎リ⊣. ╎ ↸𝙹リℸ ̣ ∴ᔑリℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ʖᒷ !¡⚍リ╎ᓭ⍑ᒷ↸ ⎓𝙹∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ." He then opened the book in his lap reading it quietly.

The other seemed to frown, "ᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ 𝙹リ. !¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ. ⋮⚍ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ ꖎ╎ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ꖎᒷ ℸ ̣ ╎↸ʖ╎ℸ ̣."

Grian was about to answer before the presence he was searching for grew stronger as another watcher approached them. "ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ℸ ̣ ∴𝙹 ᔑ∷ᒷ. ∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑ!¡!¡ᒷリᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ∴ᔑ╎ℸ ̣ ╎リ⊣ ⎓𝙹∷ ᒲᒷ?" With that, he closed the book.

"ᓭ𝙹∷∷||. ╎ ⊣⚍ᒷᓭᓭ ∴ᒷ ⎓𝙹∷⊣𝙹ℸ ̣." He said and glanced around for a moment. "ᓵᔑリ ∴ᒷ ᓭ!¡ᒷᔑꖌ ╎リ !¡∷╎⍊ᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ ⎓𝙹∷ ᔑ ᒲ𝙹ᒲᒷリℸ ̣ ?"

The female watcher looked between them before nodding. "ꖎᒷℸ ̣ ᓭ ⊣𝙹 ╎リ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⍑ᔑꖎꖎ, リ𝙹 𝙹リᒷ ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ||ᓭ ╎リ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ↸⚍∷╎リ⊣ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ʖ∷ᒷᔑꖌ." She motioned for him to follow. The other watcher nodded and leaned back opening his book as the two left into the hall. "╎ꖎꖎ ᓭᒷᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ℸ ̣ ∴𝙹 ꖎᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ᓵᔑꖎ||!¡ᓭ𝙹 ᔑリ↸ ̇/ᒷꖎ!¡⍑╎." He said after them.

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