Chapter Sixteen

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He was shaken awake rather urgently, by the intensity of it, causing him to push whoever did it away with a grumble before sitting up. "Thank god you're awake. You ha-" Martyn started after stumbling trying to not fall into a chest. "Grian are you okay? You' looks like you've been crying..."

Grian rubs the sleep from his eyes before looking at him. "What? Hold long was I asleep? I didn't sleep for a couple of days straight again did I?" He asked quickly getting out of bed, his talons clinking on the planks below. "Martyn please tell me I didn't...." He groaned shaking his hair.

The listener pressed his lips into a thin line and looked around avoiding eye contact as he murmured, "nooo...."

Grian threw a pillow at him groaning. "Why did you all let me sleep in? Gosh, I have so much to do!" He dragged his hands down his face and sighed heavily. "My shops...I haven't restocked them since the classes started!"

Martyn put his hands on the avian's shoulders before he could pace and continued rambling. "Hey, Grian. Your shops have been taken care of already. We... tried to wake you up a few times. You just wouldn't, so Jimmy and I took care of your shops. Take a breath." He said chuckling.

"What do you mean I wouldn't? That doesn't sound right, normally I'm a light sleeper."

"I know, that's why when Hypno came running to me and Doc saying you wouldn't wake got us concerned." Martyn let go to dodge another pillow. "Why are you throwing things at me while I'm trying to explain?"

"First time was because you tried lying to me, the second time was because you were standing on my foot!" Grian said grumbling hopping on one a bit, holding the other.

Martyn started laughing, "Sorry." He smiled shaking his head. "But yeah. Hypno dared XB to try to wake you up three days ago and when he said you wouldn't wake up, Hypno ran to us."

"I hit him once and both of them are scared to wake me up? Really? It wasn't even that hard." Grian huffed, his feathers ruffling a bit as a smile spread on his face. "Mate, you may have hollow bones, but you pack a punch."

"That time I didn't." Grian shook his head and grabbed his pillows putting them back on his bed before making it so Stress wouldn't come by, see it as a mess, and tell him off. "Are you sure you're okay?" Martyn asked after a moment.

"I'm perfectly fine. I don't know why I slept for so long but yeah, I'm okay."

"Then why does it look like you've been crying for days?"

Grian stopped and turned to him wiping under his eyes and arching a brow. "Really?" He asked. Martyn nodded and motioned to the window for a reflection. Grian leaned forward and noticed his eyes were irritated. "That's....hmmm."

"Did you have a bad dream or something?"

"I...don't remember." He shrugged and grabbed some cold water and cloth rubbing his face gently to get rid of any irritability. "What is everyone doing now? Did someone get tagged yet?"

" went to XB, then Cleo, Scar...then he even got Xisuma with it. X is planning on getting Bdubs." Martyn nodded chuckling.

"No one got Ren with it? That's surprising." Grian shook his head chuckling as he ran his fingers through his feathers. Stopping as he sees his communicator not on his wrist anymore. "Who took my comms off?"

Martyn tilted his head looking at the other's empty wrist before looking around. "No clue....hang on." He said and opened up his comms.

<InTheLittleWood> Grains awake. Who took off his comms?

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