Friends? ; 17

341 7 9

3rd pov:

Aether and The wanderer started to get a long a bit but aether still have doubts. Every time they have a recording they have to do and it has something to do with the wanderer he acts different. You can tell.

Aether: What are you talking about albedo?

Albedo: What I am saying, Get along with the wanderer
Aether: I'm never going to do that. We have two different opinions and it seems like we're not going to be on the same page for a while.

And with that aether left the studio and went home early and when he did he got dressed into gym clothes and went to their inside gym. He punched the hell outta the punching bag... broke it from hanging on the ceiling.
Everyone was looking for aether except for the wanderer. heizou found him and saw what we did to the punching bag. He ran to the others and told them what he saw.

Heizou: WAAAA!
Xiao: You're so loud.. What's wrong?

Heizou: A-aether he..
Xiao: He what?!

Heizou: Beated the living hell out of the punching bag in the gym!
Xiao: You almost gave me a heart attack..!

Heizou: You can see it for yourself!

They ran to the gym and saw that aether was on top of the punching bag beating the punching bag. He almost busted the thing open..

Xiao: Aether! Calm down!
Aether: Calm down?

Venti: Hey.. Maybe we sh-
Aether: I'm going to take a shower.

Everyone was standing there shocked as aether gave them a glare before he left the room. Xiao ran after him.

Xiao: Babe..
Aether: What?

Xiao: Look.. I'm still upset about what happened back then, but we have other important issues to handle..

Aether: Uh huh... and what's that?
Xiao: Well you see.. Nevermind...

Aether: I'm going to take a shower
Xiao: Can I join?

Aether: N-NO!
Xiao: Whyy?

Aether: Cause y'know-
Xiao: Awe fine..

Xiao: I'm definitely going to join him!
Aether: He's gonna join me anyways..

After that.. Xiao and aether was in bed cuddling each other. While they do that, the rest are downstairs.

Venti: Damn.. I knew aether was strong. But never that strong

Heizou: It's scary...
Kazuha: Babe, Maybe you can do a proper apology... The only time you did is when you first came here and that was almost a year ago

Wanderer: I guess you're right, But still isn't my fault.
Kazuha: Uh huh... Just find the right time to do it.

Venti: I'M HUNGRY!
Heizou: We just have to wait for aether, He said he's making Mora Meat!

Venti: With a side of apple pie I bet! That's it I'm going to go in their room!
Venti: They're taking to long!

Venti goes into their room finding aether and xiao kissing... He drags aether out of the room and into the kitchen since he's the best cook out of the rest of the group. He cooks the food and everyone eats, when everyone is finished the wanderer goes up to aether and ask him if they can go outside and talk.

Aether: What do you want?

Wanderer: I just want to apologize, it wasn't my fault. I did warn him and everyone else that was going to happen but they insisted to continue using the "energy drinks" that we made.

Aether: Whose we?

Wanderer: I was naive, I don't know about Dottore though. He seemed like he was enjoying that, anywho. It was just Dottore and All I know it was someone else but he wouldn't say anything else about it to me.

Aether: Well thanks for telling me. I won't forgive you so easily though.. I'll call it a truce. And I'll be a little nicer to you I guess

The next day was something very crazy...

The next day...

Aether made dinner, Fisherman toast and Sunny side up egg with bacon.
Everyone ate and then venti screamed...

Wanderer: Why are you so loud in the god damn morning?

Venti: A video of aether punching the hell out of the punching bag is online!

Heizou: ....

Venti: Look! Everyone is even commenting on the video and making edits!

Aether: Who the hell recorded me?
Heizou: Wel...

Kazuha: Who's the video from venti?

Wanderer: Hahahah!
Aether: This isn't a laughing matter!

Wanderer: Sorry! It's just that everyone is making jokes about this!

Venti: It doesn't say where it's from it went across from the internet so I have no idea who posted it

Heizou: Yesterday, I may have recorded it...

Heizou: I didn't! Plu... I think I did on accident

Heizou: Well it to late now everyone got the video now

Wanderer: W-Wait someone is really saying "aether or the wanderer?" The replies are arguing each other.

Xiao: Obviously it's gonna be aether-
Kazuha: Ain't no way, It's the wanderer!

They argued about a solid 15 minutes until xiao was tired and sat down and watched tv until..

Aether: I-I'm on the news...!


News reporter: This video is going very viral, it seems like the popular k-pop idol; aether from 6reeze was releasing his anger on a punching bag. Which almost broke the bag, just how strong is he?
And why was he angry?

Aether: Ah.. Shit... Albedo is gonna burst in here in any minute, imma go live and fix this. If you want to be in it, Ill be in my room.




Heizou: Even with the shower running, I can still hear aether's moans!

Venti: He is so loud, what is xiao doing to him?
Wanderer: Fu-

Venti: Don't finish of what you're going to say..!
Wanderer: Fine then... ... They're fucking each other..!

Venti: Why you-

Kazuha: Heh...


Btw I came across the video I put, please tell me if I need to remove it, I just saw it and had to share it! But please tell me if this is technically a repost or not 😭

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