Midnight Melodies; 20

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3rd pov:

The members of 6reeze were in the studio, working on a new song that Kazuha had written. As they worked, Xiao and Aether sat together, their fingers interlaced. They were lost in their own world, whispering to each other and stealing kisses when no one was looking.

Kazuha watched them with a small smile on his face.

Kazuha: You two are so cute!

he said, causing Xiao and Aether to blush.
Venti rolled his eyes.

Venti:Can you two keep the lovey-dovey stuff for when we're not trying to work?

he said, but there was a hint of teasing in his voice.

Heizou, who was sitting in a corner of the studio, watching everyone with a small smile, spoke up.

Heizou: Actually, I think it's nice to see them so happy. It's a reminder that even in the midst of all this chaos, we can still find joy in each other.

The others nodded in agreement, and for a moment, the room was filled with a comfortable silence. But then Kazuha stood up, stretching his arms.

Kazuha: Alright, I need a break, Who's up for a snack run?

Aether immediately perked up.

Aether: Ooh, can we get some ice cream?

The others laughed and followed Kazuha out of the studio, but Xiao and Aether hung back for a moment.

Xiao: Do you think we're being too lovey-dovey?

Xiao asked, looking down at their intertwined fingers. Aether smiled up at him.

Aether: No way, I love you, and I want everyone to know it.

Xiao's face softened, and he leaned in to kiss Aether.

Aether: I love you too

he whispered.
As they left the studio, hand in hand, the other members of 6reeze couldn't help but smile at the sight of their two bandmates in love.

At home...

Aether and Xiao went to their room and Aether decided to put on some music for them. Xiao and aether decided that they wanted to dance and spend time together.

As they continued to dance, Aether couldn't help but notice how happy Xiao looked. He had never seen him so carefree and at ease before. It made his heart swell with warmth, and he couldn't resist leaning in to place a soft kiss on Xiao's lips.

Xiao responded eagerly, deepening the kiss and wrapping his arms tightly around Aether's waist. They broke apart for a moment, breathless and smiling at each other, before Xiao pulled Aether back into another kiss.

Eventually, they pulled away again, giggling and feeling a little lightheaded.

Xiao: I love you so much, Aether

Xiao said, his voice filled with genuine affection.

Aether: I love you too, Xiao

Aether replied, pulling him close for a tight embrace.
As they stood there, wrapped up in each other's arms, they felt a sense of contentment wash over them. They had each other, they had their music, and they had their friends. Life was good.

Just then, Kazuha and Wanderer burst into the room, both of them grinning mischievously.

Kazuha: We heard music and wanted to join in!

Xiao and Aether looked at each other and rolled their eyes, but they couldn't help but laugh. They knew that with Kazuha and Scaramouche around, things were never dull.

As the night wore on, the members of 6reeze continued to enjoy each other's company, sharing stories and laughs as they danced and sang together. And through it all, Aether and Xiao remained inseparable, their love for each other shining bright like a beacon in the dark.

Eventually, they all retired to their separate rooms, exhausted but happy. As Aether crawled into bed, he felt a sense of deep gratitude wash over him. He was so lucky to have Xiao in his life, and he knew that he would do anything to keep their love burning bright.

As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he and Xiao would face them together, as one.

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