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"I like your hero costume. It's spooky." Yanagi commented quietly as your team gathered in one part of the forest, observing your white flag with a big red B on it.

"Huh?" you glanced down at your costume before awkwardly replying, "Oh, thank you. I like your kimono. It's very pretty." 'Weak 🍑 compliment, y/n.'

"You really think so?


Tokage and Oshikata watched you and his the awkward goober interact, a little flowery aura surrounding them, 'Adorable.'

The plan was simple. Enough.

Tokage would fragment her body and send it around the forest to keep tabs on Honenuki, Shishida, Kuroiro, and Shiozaki, and to also locate Togata, accompanied by a couple of strong scented bubbles created by Oshikata in order to mask her scent from Shishida.

The opposing team would most definitely be sending Kuroiro over, so Yanagi would be staying with Oshikata and the flag so she could use her Quirk to stop Kuroiro just in case.

As for Monoma. You and him would be handling anyone that managed to remain standing after the little surprise Oshikata had so kindly prepared for them.

"You have to be sure to remember the plan," you warned, standing with Monoma a couple minutes after the sirens blared as a sign that the exercise had begun, "It might take a few extra minutes of getting used to."

Tokage had already set off with a couple of Oshikata's bubbles, a fraction of her mouth lingering to report back to the group.

"Right..." the boy murmured with a small frown, "If this doesn't work, we're definitely going to get wiped out."

"Nah, we'll be fine. If I can at least hold out long enough for you to get to me, there will be nothing to worry about." you replied with a shrug, "If anything happens to you, our entire team will fall apart and we'll definitely have no chance against that Togata guy, so stick with the plan."

Monoma deadpanned, "Hey now, isn't that a bit..." 'What is she yapping about?'

"Focus, Copycat." you interrupted, "Okay?"


As you were continuing to discuss something with Monoma and Yanagi, a dark figure within the shadows of the trees watched you all for a moment longer before ducking back into the darkness.

You spotted it from the corner of your eye, and a sly little smirk made its way onto your face.
"We cast the bait, and it looks like we've got a bite."

The shadow retreated, slipping through the shade of each of the trees before finally reaching the other end of Ground Omega. Shiozaki was there, her vines enveloping the entire space around her team's flag and stretching across the forest.

Shishida had already gone off into the forest to track down Team B by scent, Honenuki accompanying him.

Out of the shadows popped Kuroiro.

"Team B has their flag protected by some kind of bubble. I couldn't see through it, and it looked pretty tough too." the boy told Shiozaki, "It seems like Monoma has some kind of secret weapon tucked up his sleeve. One strong enough to handle Togata-senpai, allegedly."

"Do the others already know about this?" Shiozaki inquired and Kuroiro nodded, "Very well. I'll remain here and ensure that the opposing team will be unable to take our flag."

Kuroiro nodded, "Right. I'll try to learn a bit more, so please keep everyone away from here for- what is that?"

The two of them paused, watching as a flurry of bubbles slowly approached the two of them.

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