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(Trying out 2nd Person)

You didn't mean to get into trouble.

It really wasn't your intention.
You were just extremely unlucky.

You always ended up in the company of the worst kinds of people which led to you ending up in the worst kinds of situations. It was kind of depressing.

Your quirk. Your quirk was the problem.
People were also the problem, that too.

"You've gotta be kidding," you scratched at the bandages wrapped around your arms, a tired look on your face, "I've got an entrance exam, you morons, couldn't this have waited till another time?"

You stood in an alleyway, a trio of students from your Junior High lined up against the wall with bruised faces and their eyes full of shame.

"Sorry Maruyama-senpai..." the three boys mumbled.

You heaved a sigh, rubbing the back of your neck with a slight grimace, "Haa... it's whatever. Come on, let's go get you all patched up. Those guys did a number on you."

"But don't you have to go? You'll miss the exam...!" one of the boys protested as you slung an arm over his shoulders, guiding him from the alleyway, "We don't want to make you any later!"

"Don't worry about it, what's important is that you all have your injuries treated." you told him, giving his bruised cheek a pinch and ignoring his protests, "Next time, don't pick a fight you can't win."

The four of you left the alleyway, leaving behind a group of dazed high schoolers in a pile of trash bags.

You took them to the nearest convenience store where you requested the sweet old owner's help in patching them up. It took a while, but eventually your former underclassmen were all bandaged up and set with ice packs.

After scolding the three middle school boys, you left and began to hurry towards your destination. You were probably going to be late, there was really no point, but you still wanted to try.

'Dad will be disappointed if I don't make it there in time to at least try.' you thought as you began to jog instead, 'I think I can make it if I catch the bus.'

And catch the bus you did. Barely.

Had it not been for a girl with vines for hair, the doors would've closed and you wouldn't have made it in time. However, in your haste, you had trampled on her hair a bit.

The bus ride was a blur as you stood in a daze, staring at your shoes in silence. Man... no breakfast. A shame.

You'd made it just in time to the exam, but at what cost? No breakfast, an almost missed train-

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the bandages wrapped securely around your arms beginning to turn slightly red.

...and now the cuts had opened again.

You ignored it as best you could as you checked in and the written exam began. Your blood seemed to seep right through the bandages and even stained your paper at one point. What a pain.

Your quirk had been a major pain in the 🍑 since you were young. It would've been nice if you had a quirk like your father's, but you ended up with this mess.

To be able to control your own blood, both inside and outside your body. It was simple and straight forward, but it got you into a lot of trouble. An accident ended up leaving you unable to properly heal, so whatever
cuts you sustained that were deep enough would begin bleeding once more the moment your quirk activated.

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