I split my hair to make two more braids.
"Dude why don't you just shave it off?" Asked John. "It's way too much work to wake up at 4am just to braid your hair, Elijah."
"Let me be me, John. Why do you hang out at my place so much?"
John belly-jumped on my bed. "'Cause I like your house. Plus you guys have great food here, all we have is fruits and veggies at my place. Why? Am I," John attempted a sexy pose, "Distracting to you?"
I pushed his face down. "No, no you're not."
He stuck his tongue out at me and sat up straight. "Good, I don't think I could fulfil your needs. Well.... that and the fact that I'm asexual."
"You're not asexual." I said matter-of-factly."You're straight."
"You don't know that."
"Yeah. I do."
"I asked your mom and she specifically said you have a-"
"Okay, I get it." John interrupted. "You win."
I did a lame victory dance and flashed John an award-winning smirk.
I went back in the bathroom to look in the mirror. My black hair complimented my brown skin. I put in my prescription colour-contacts, turning my eyes a deep shade of purple.
I turned back to John, he had just cut his hair the week earlier. His dark hair was now out his eyes and his neck was exposed. The hair style suited him. Unlike how everything I do just seems unnatural.
I'm Elijah Ollit and this is the story of me.

The Story of Me (gender bend)
Non-FictionI thought it would be fun if I wrote a little about me, but I'm not that exciting. So I'm gonna wrote about me as a guy. I've been wanting to do this for a while and now I finally have the courage to. Hope you guy like it.