Okay, this is kind of how I met Germany, a.k.a Paul. Just so you know Paul is a huge Beatles fan. Paul is also called Germany for many reasons, one of them is obviously because he's fricking German (he believes that America was just jealous that Germany found a better way to torture people (jk, love you, Paul ).
Anyways, this is Paul's meet-n-greet chapter time. Let's get on to the story. It all started after school after school...
I was sitting down with this girl I just kinda met at book club (her chapter will be very short), her name is Jade. I chilling with Jade when Dean left. We were talking about the true meaning of senpai and kõhai, when this dude just came over and started having a causal conversation with Jade. Of, course my brain was trying to process who this guy was. He wasn't rude or anything, I just didn't know who dafaq he was.
I say the best way to describe him was, he looked like a lion. His wild, ginger-colored, frizzy hair would've been his mane. He had a pretty strong built, meaning I wouldn't fudge with him for freaking no reason. He had a Beatles t-shirt and some jeans on.
I was pretty scared to interrupt their conversation, so I just waited until they were done. "Hi." I said. I'm sure I said it too loudly, or something. I probably sounded like a creep. "I'm Elijah."
"I'm Paul, like from the Beatles."
Instead of fist-bumping we slightly inclined our heads quickly, I don't know the proper term for this. I just know that if you go back to far you'll most-likely break your neck or at least crack it. This is something else us manly men do, if we don't feel like lifting our fists, because it's hard work being as manly as we are. The manliness, men, in mankind (yeah, right).
"If you want you can also call me Germany. It's one of the names I go by." He added.
"Okay." I slowly said, at this point I thought he was a freak. But a good freak (a.k.a. Outcast)
"It's because I'm German, and because that's my character's name in Hetalia."
"What's that?" I asked, bluntly.
"It's an anime." Paul said simply. "Nothing else to explain, really. John is Finland, and we have a Romano, his badge is Robby, you probably know him."
"Okay, I might watch it, when I'm done with Attack on Titan."
"Oh my gosh, you'll love it. Just watch out for Annie, she's kind of tricky."
"Thanks for the semi-spoiler." Two question popped into my head. "Okay, in have to ask you two questions."
"If I watch Hetalia, can I become a country?"
"Yeah, just watch the episodes and I'll figure out who would be the best country for you."
"And, isn't the definition of senpai: underclassmen or superior? Isn't that what it means in a nutshell?"
"Yeah, every otaku know that."
"Haha, Jade has to give up her otaku badge."
"Whatever, baka."
"You're the idiot, you... idiot." Nice comeback, Elijah.
My dad came right after I said my embarrassing comeback and picked me up from my shame. Very, very, very awkwardly I thinking of something that would be on Paul's tombstone...
Beloved, Germany
Lover of anime and the Beatles.

The Story of Me (gender bend)
Non-fictieI thought it would be fun if I wrote a little about me, but I'm not that exciting. So I'm gonna wrote about me as a guy. I've been wanting to do this for a while and now I finally have the courage to. Hope you guy like it.