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Well, school is over and I officially survived my freshman year.


So I actually have three girls I should have introduce to you a long time ago. I guess I'll go in alphabetical order of last name.

First we have... Victoria Dafelgit.

Victoria is easily bae. She's more of an athlete than I am. She's on track. She's two years older than me, but only a grade older. And that's all I can say while remaining respectful to her. She's a wonderful person, but can really have a stick up her ass sometimes (meaning that in the least sexual way possible). *ahem* Moving on...

Next we have... Anna Hargrove.

Anna is the most Christian chick you will ever meet. She is also two years older than me, but only one grade older. Thanks to her I have heard many stories of Jesus' travels and also learned of other religions as well. Anna is in marching band, and she is also in JROTC with me. Also, she can come up amazing unrealistic, but oddly satifying, analogies and stories.

Last and certainly least... Tanya Zafer.

Tanya is a sweetly sarcastic bitch that needs to learn when to shut the hell up. And that's putting it nicely. See ya, sweety.

That's it for today folks (why the hell am I talking like a talk-show host). BYEEE!!!

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